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Everything posted by Tulo

  1. I have a buddy that works at Trailquest. I guess they specialize in Jeeps. It would definitely be worth checking out.
  2. I wrote a review for IPS after I dealt with them. I never posted it because I really wanted to just leave it in the past and move on. I really don't want to start trouble, especially with something that happened so long ago, but if you guys want to see why I will never go to or recommend IPS Motorsports, I will make a post in the Consumer Reports section.
  3. MAG also sells $2,500 cars, at the BMW campus on Post Rd. about 2 miles away from the main campus on Perimeter Loop. Give us a call in the morning and ask for Chris Connors. Tell him JP referred you. Chris does most of the appraisals as well as sales. If anyone can get you a good deal, it's him. Midwestern Auto Group: (614)889-2571
  4. Slowmotion Motorsports www.slowmotionmotorsports.com 2908 East 14th Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43219 Ph: (614)372-0304 Street Werkz www.streetwerkz.com 1608 Clara Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43211 Ph: (614)291-0951 Fax: (614)291-0961 I've dealt with both places, and highly recommend either one.
  5. I wouldn't go to IPS if I were you. There's plenty of places around here that do powdercoating. I'll look around and post back.
  6. I tried to adjust my suspension today, but one of my collar screws is stripped. Does anyone have any suggestions for getting it out? TIA. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v251/Tulo52/IMG_0171small.jpg
  7. Can anyone find the direct link so we can save as? Awesome video.
  8. Looks good. +1 on the black top though.
  9. I think they're having a dyno day/cookout coming up this spring. BTW, nice numbers. Have you ever ran Sunoco 94?
  10. Hey Andy, doesn't your car come stock with a 5hp Brigs? They should have tried to mow some grass.
  11. That same thing happened to me. I had recordings on my voicemail for like two months telling me to call that place. I finally called and it turns out the guy there were looking for wasn't me, so they stopped calling. I wish I would have called alot sooner.
  12. What about the guy that breaks a samurai sword and gets hit with the deflection?
  13. Give him time, taste can be developed. This is his dad's page. http://members.cardomain.com/allblackv8
  14. DMH makes a good product. The only time I've had one fail is when I dropped it, and after that they sent me a brand new one for free. I think the warranty on it is for four years.
  15. Holy shit. They weren't fucking around.
  16. Wow. That sucks. Is that really considered totaled though?
  17. You would think that two turbo's would yield alot more than 550hp. I wonder if the doctor has anything to say about that...
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