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Everything posted by Tulo

  1. There's no such thing as a fast Vette. *Puts on flamesuit*
  2. No, you're not understanding what I mean. I don't know if I can explain it so that it makes sense either. Relative to the ground, the camera is not moving, but rotating on a vertical axis. As it's rotating(at the same pace that the missile is going by at), the picture is taken. That's why the background would be blurry, but the missile is not. Maybe someone else can explain it better.
  3. Unless the camera was following the missile as it went by. That's really fucking cool. :thumbup:
  4. This thing fucking rocks. :thumbup:
  5. This guys garage is better. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v251/Tulo52/226021.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v251/Tulo52/226022.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v251/Tulo52/226023.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v251/Tulo52/226024.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v251/Tulo52/226025.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v251/Tulo52/226026.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v251/Tulo52/226027.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v251/Tulo52/226028.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v251/Tulo52/226029.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v251/Tulo52/226030.jpg
  6. Tulo


    http://www.newagetattoos.net/rogergallery/suspension/suspension.jpg http://www.newagetattoos.net/suspension.html
  7. Tulo


    Looks like body suspension. People put hooks in their back, and then hang themselves. It's supposed to give you a pretty big high due to endorphins and shit, but I think the fuckers are crazy. http://www.bmezine.com/ritual/A51021/high/bmepb152987.jpg http://www.bmezine.com/ritual/A51021/high/bmepb152984.jpg http://www.bmezine.com/ritual/A51021/high/bmepb152985.jpg http://www.bmezine.com/ritual/A51021/high/bmepb152983.jpg
  8. I get credit card offers in the mail everyday. Are you saying that it would be in my best interest to accept these cards, open the accounts, and never use them?
  9. I bet this would be a lot funnier if I actually knew what crank walk was... Little help please?
  10. Imagine if the Bimmer would have tapped his brakes while the bike was riding his ass at 200+kmph.
  11. Is that the guy with the badass STi?
  12. Saves the Day fucking rules. What are some good songs by those other bands that I can download? I'll probably go to that show. Do you know what time it starts and can you buy tickets there?
  13. I had a great time and saw alot of nice cars. Props to the Slowmotion crew for busting ass all day. :thumbup:
  14. Summary: A seven-year-old boy was at the center of a courtroom drama today when he challenged a court ruling over who should have custody of him. The boy has a history of being beaten by his parents and the judge initially awarded custody to his aunt, in keeping with child custody law and regulations requiring that family unity be maintained to the degree possible. The boy surprised the court when he proclaimed that his aunt beat him more than his parents and he adamantly refused to live with her. When the judge then suggested that he live with his grandparents, the boy cried out that they also beat him. After considering the remainder of the immediate family and learning that domestic violence was apparently a way of life among them, the judge took the unprecedented step of allowing the boy to propose who should have custody of him. After two recesses to check legal references and confer with child welfare officials, the judge granted temporary custody to the University of Michigan Wolverines football team, who the judge firmly believes is not capable of beating anyone.
  15. I'll be there :nod: . And I hear Corey is going to be dynoing his hatch:Popcorn:. Can't wait.
  16. Yup. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v251/Tulo52/IMG_0093small.jpg
  17. Big congratulations to Corey and the rest of the crew. I heard about this a little bit earlier today and couldn't be more happy for them. They are great guys and deserve everything that has been going there way lately. Keep it up guys!
  18. I've been to CRCRC a few times, but I was more into on-road with CORCAR. I haven't been out in a while, I think they might have shut down.
  19. Nice numbers! Good luck to them at NOPI this weekend.
  20. Tulo

    Need some advice

    It's fake. Every link on the log in page they link you to sends you right back to that log in page. That log in page seems like it is a paypal address though... Pretty sneaky.
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