if you are new to turbocharging... my BEST BEST advice to you.. is to get a book called "Maximum Boost" by Corky Bell.. you can find it at a barnes and noble or whatever.. but that $35 for the book will save you ALOT of headache and possibly much more expensive damages and broken parts and whatnot.. you can get it off the internet also at Maximum Boost by Corky Bell
Also with a v8 application i see more people using superchargers.. if you want to go that route id recommend "Supercharged" By Corky Bell which can be picked up at a barnes and noble or off the internet.. here is the link for it.
Supercharged by Corky Bell
you have to remember you cant just slap any turbo on a car. there are many different types of turbos with different specs on them. also you question about carb tuning is answered in both books. the best thing you can do is get those books. it will supply you the general knowledge to safely turbo or supercharge your car and how to pick out the right size turbo, intercooler, exhaust and how to tune it with either Fuel Injector or Carbueration.