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Everything posted by Chief8one

  1. You my friend are a savior and a saint!! Kudos to you!!!
  2. going to give this a try now
  3. i have ran both spybot and ad-aware and it still pops up... even did a full system scan.. this is really fuckin annoying.
  4. Ok, my roomate was farting around on my computer today and I think he got a virus on it. Every time I open up my Internet Explorer I get a systems notice that reads "Your computer is infected by serious viruses, please download anti spywear now. Your computer is at a serious risk for total crash" and then has a click OK or cancel boxes (I keep hitting cancel). Now I ran two anti spywear programs and deleted all cookies and I still get the damn message poping up. Any suggestions?
  5. Don't tempt me lol... you want to make a trip to pro solo nationals lol? I would love to go just for fun, but I think they would laugh my car off the track.
  6. I was just thinking if you ever need some pointers ahem :co driver: let me know... I've wanted to drive an S for 2 years
  7. What motor is in this car?
  8. Meth is one hell of a drug
  9. what motor? and rust? very interested.. send pics to chief8one@aol.com
  10. One day when I have the cash flow I'll do a driver school
  11. Just to let everyone know that the pics are up from the event! http://richard.safier.com/OVR/ovr1-2008/index.html
  12. Either they made a mistake, or you did not start the race.
  13. Did Not Start Ben, did it sound TOO loud? I have not heard the car besides sitting in it LOL!!!
  14. ^ LOL what did you think of it?
  15. LOL, it probably didn't help that I changed the name of my car to a Plymouth "squaredance". I had so many PITA issues this week trying to get the car ready for today, I almost didn't come. Thursday, I got the car out of storage to start her up and do some fluids and bleeding. Later that day I snapped a brake bleeder screw and then on Friday night I stripped a wheel stud. Guess that’s what I get for messing with a 14 year old rusty car with 140k "You are one hell of a driver. Your first run was like 3 seconds faster than my best. Oh well, at least I got second." Thank you, I'm sure with a little more seat time you'll be beating me in no time.
  16. No donuts, but I spun out really good on my third run.
  17. I'm in ... rain better not happen
  18. good chance if it's going to rain I wont make it down. My all seasons have about as much tread as my hoosiers. Slippy slide to last sounds like I'll just save my money for the next dry event. Do they transfer credits if you reg. and can't go?
  19. I have a feeling its going to be raining on sat.
  20. Ben I'll probably give you a call sometimes this week and get the whole GASS thing figured out. I should be at the first event. I hope the old booger sticks together
  21. i didnt realize it was a sat. event... hmmm is this a new thing this year? edit.. i just looked.. hmm some sat. events this year i guess thats cool. anyone want to explain the GAS weekend?
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