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Everything posted by Chief8one

  1. sucks.. those from the autocross know what I race with, and probably figure I race junk because thats what I can afford. It's true, and this just sets me back even more. I'll have a good set of 15in autocross rubber for sale VERY soon... doesnt matter i'm used to it ... 2 steps forwards 3 steps back.....does'nt matter
  2. this was in hill bunk mansfield, it was a major bummer... I honestly was just stopping to talk to people about buying scooters to save on gas mileage.....I have nothing against police officers, but some times you should just let things slide... prob why I'm going to school AGAIN to become a nurse because I just understand where people come from.... anyway... it sucks..I hope it's made up to me one day... so to everyone if you lap or are such a hell raiser like me on an 80 cc scooter know where you pop your kick stand. sigh
  3. A few friends of mine kept texting me tonight to bring out my new scooter and to chat about cars and what not. I figured fine since I had not been out all spring and today was my last clinical day for school. So I get to the hangout spot and shoot the shit about the scooter blah blah, figured I would take a lap. I get to the turn around spot and another friend signals me over to ask me about the scooter. I stopped for maybe 2 mins and two cops pulled up blocked us in and gave us tickets for trespassing. "Not allowed to park here, you can lap but you can't park" So ya first night of summer and I get a ticket on my queer gas saving scooter, awesome. Court date later this week..... ftl
  4. springs throw you out of G stock as well, DSP would be my guess. DSP is a pretty fast group.
  5. I paid 75 bucks for a full year through State Farm. On an 84 honda aero 80
  6. Jerry you are all about locking the fronts up lol...
  7. I almost hit a ghetto deer (Big ass Rot) on my scooter the other night, I about shit my nickers. Dog just roamed out in front of me and stood there just like a deer! Gl on getting it fixed.
  8. I would just amputate that ear.
  9. Reminds me of the first Predator movie.
  10. I agree, as dumpy as the babe magnet is, I know one day it will make it's final lap at an ovr meeting and then to a yard Probably sooner than later, the way it's been going. Good luck to everyone racing against the GASS members, show them how OVR does work.
  11. Kicking myself for not signing up, but I figured I should relax and give this comprehensive final my all. But thanks for the offer Jerry
  12. Ill know in a few hours.... I so want to see how badly I get beat by a national driver lol.
  13. OH WOW, I might just have to take you up on this offer! Give me another day to figure out if I really need to buckle down and study.... awesome! EDIT... or did the seat get filled? I noticed on dlb that there were two 90 silver miatas registered...
  14. 4 bucks to fill up my honda aero 80 ftw....
  15. I'm starting to study for my final on that following Monday now so I can race. que "eye of the tiger" music... On a side note I just looked at the entry list and there are none in GS. If no GASS members will be in my class I may just keep my 45 bucks and study. OR see if I can talk Miles into letting me race his miata...hmm...
  16. Chief8one


    Yes I have known him since the sixth grade, just messing with him. I'm actually the one to finally get him to introduce himself. On a side note that car will be for sale very soon, i believe he is going to be asking 5500 for it. 65,xxx miles and its a real cherry.
  17. One eyed Willy's rich stuff!!
  18. Chief8one


    you going to make another post or wait another two years to do it?
  19. Chief8one


    I think I have seen the car before!! I think it had some chick driving it was that you!?!?! lol you need to fix your driveway ftw.
  20. Sad to say, but in about 8th grade I used to do this. I was about as good if not better than the second guy lol.
  21. I'd rather fuck a warm bucket of water
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