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Everything posted by Chief8one

  1. i should of fuckin known
  2. there was a van around here that used to be covered in plastic cats.... ???
  3. i lost it when you could hear the guys playing and laughing at the "noob" HAHAHA
  4. i almost want to do myself just to see what it sounds like lmao!
  5. Met the lead singer at the 01 Warped tour... cool guy... true story
  6. ^ Get that seat on a slider so i can drive!!!
  7. ^ Agreed I was jumped a few years ago, because "that dude looked at me" reason. I don't like to fight, but when backed into the corner I go ape shit and don't remember alot. This is all what I was told afterwards, by chicken shit ex-friends who just stood and watched. I guess the one guy and I went at it for about 5 seconds then 4 of his friends thought it would be a good idea to leave their shoe prints on me. I ignored their stomping and continued on the guy who thought I was an easy target. I heard later the guy had to wear an eye patch for a month and was sent to prison later on. Scary fighting sucks
  8. surprised none of the girls chased after him
  9. i tired adding you on live... sass machine 7
  10. I can only think that she should of had problems way before 2 years. I mean bacteria just chilling in a crack, and talk about UTI out the ying yang. Maybe she was trying to start her own bread making factory?
  11. dude, wtf video is in your sig???
  12. Chief8one

    Cat sh!t

    I have a pet cat, and when she drops a deuce it smells so bad it could make Jesus cry. It is fed exactly what my other cat eats, and his deuce doesn't smell like a gangbanged asshole. anyone have any suggestions besides giving it to the china buffet? not the best thread by far, but it stinks (this thread included).
  13. i lost a best friend not too long ago to something close to this....wtf
  14. seriously how the fuck is this funny???????????
  15. why is this funny? did i miss something?
  16. I'm not a big post person, but I don't think people who die, even if they did something stupid is funny. ????
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