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Everything posted by Chief8one

  1. thanks to all the that responded. was just wondering if i was to keep mine or not. after rebuild car has seemed slower and that was one of the things i added that i didnt have before.
  2. LMAO "blow job" "bitch"
  3. wondering what peoples thoughts were on using them on turbo cars? any experiences? graemlins/lurk.gif
  4. i agree, i felt let down on alot of it. NIN has always been a band i could just put the CD in and just listen to it all the way through. this CD is not like that, but then again im a HUGE fan of Fragile and i guess alot of people didn't like that album either. id give it a B/B- if i had to grade it, not terrible but a let down. bummer especially after waiting so long chief
  5. wondering from those that bought it, what they thought? thanks, chief
  6. if i had the cash id be all over it. def. worth 2k. chief
  7. Chief8one

    neon sport coupe

    how much for it without the stereo
  8. not to change the subject of the thread. but whats the story behind theses cars and motors? spec?
  9. any turbododge stuff you are selling before you move? sorry for being off topic
  10. ive gotten 2 and it sucks horribly. are most people getting these from state highway or local police?
  11. a couple of observations 1. hella driver 2. 5th gear looks to be a mile away or is that just me 3. at 4:05 in the video he gets a crotch itch? LMAO i wouldn't dare grab myself at those speeds.
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