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Everything posted by Chief8one

  1. my .2 cents... keep it if you have the space. I have a 1990 dodge Daytona with a one of "seven" turbo 3.0l v6 SOHC set ups from "Shelby". I dropped it in when I was in High school... I'll keep it forever. Sometimes you just can't let go. Actually got props on here years ago when we had a Cleveland/Columbus meet. Miss 06.. ish I'm old ... back when there was a top 10 and a top 10 slow class...... loved reading about that stuff.
  2. To be honest.. I'm a big fan of Robocop and it was Great. I know that movie/aliens/goonies... like it was going out of business. Would like a mecca to the goonies house next year.
  3. I don't recall ever seeing a white one. Free bump. thumbs purists may want the original stuff... fyi
  4. if you ever need help I would be willing to turn wrenches fyi. It's winter I need things to do.
  5. funny you have the same combo now.. thumbs up!
  6. Good posts guys! Too sweet.. that car kills me .. awesome would daily today.
  7. I figured it would be a fun little thread. Lets hear about CR peeps first car stories. Mine I bought a 1980 LTD 5.0l with 109,000 miles (carbed) rust bucket for 250 bucks when I was 15. I'm not sure what the law is now, but at the time 15.5 you could get your permit. Anyway, I remember Mom driving me to the farm where it was at.. I instantly fell in love. It was baby blue with rust everywhere, no hub caps, bumpers with rust holes... PERFECT! Did doughnuts for about 30 minutes and some make shift rallycross/drifting in an old field. SOLD. I dove the car for a bit in high school which I was the odd man out. I was never a rich kid and went to a private school where everyone had new (2000) Cherokees and what not, but for some reason everyone made fun of it/loved it. Lots of fun driving around with friends for no reason, talking and being teens. (Gas was .88 cents a gallon then btw) I even put "dingle berries" (cotton ball things that hang.. think Cheech and Chong) in it. Red glow dice.... Good times. I miss that bucket. Only reason I stopped driving it was a rich friend of mine sold me his 91 escort 1.9l 5 speed for 50 bucks and it was 10 x faster. Sorry for the bad grammar
  8. I vote get her a Honda or a Camry. Save you and the wifey a bunch of headaches. Lets face it she is going to bump into things.
  9. LMAO well for those who liked.. You're welcome.
  10. For my Cr peeps.. Why cook/go out to eat... get some pie and have it delivered. ENJOY! "In celebration of Columbus and our BLUE JACKET Stars, Papa John's is offering 50% OFF ANY regular menu price Large Pizza! TODAY ONLY get 50% OFF ANY regular menu price Large Pizza when you order online! Use the promotion code JACKETS50"
  11. thats what happens when you drive a super beetle with half lambo body kit on it.
  12. please leave the diesel tags on it. sweet
  13. Agreeded x 1900. Drag race of 40 mph by two cars on 70 east causing a giant cluster fuck. One finally slowed more than the other and I made a break for it. 60 mph the rest of the way in to Wexner. This was at 0545 this AM.
  14. I thought it was pretty funny. I didn't expect it to be a blockbuster, but I like the Rogan/Franco combo in movies.
  15. i would opt for a base model anyway. VERY interesting. I wonder who "BASE" base means.
  16. New to me thanks for the tip. Also, I never knew that they have a network of radar detectors now. Thats pretty cool.
  17. When mine red ringed a few years ago. I sent it back to microsoft and they sent me a new one? They even paid postage?
  18. What blue ray should I get? PS3?
  19. i say keep and have fun making zoom zoom donuts.
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