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Everything posted by Chief8one

  1. if you don't mind. where did you pick this up and how much did it set ya back?
  2. just for shits and giggles what autox class does this fall into?
  3. Thinking of taking the lady and my mother to see it after dinner tonight. Worth coughing up the cheddar?
  4. This ^ Let us not forget about the Die Hard films as well... I'll be honest this is the reason I bought my 92A1. I actually like the weight of it. Granted this is the only handgun I have owned so far/shot. I'm happy with it. P.S. the 92A1 comes with 3 factory 17 round mags. FWIW
  5. What is everones plans for the ol' drink fest? This will be my first time living in Columbus during the festivities, so I'm up for some ideas. Lets hear them!
  6. Thanks Joe, I probably will hit you up when the weather is a bit nicer out. I was considering taking her this coming wed. to an indoor range, but I think it might be a better idea than a bunch of chaos for a first time shooter. Hell, even I have never been to an indoor range.
  7. I have no issues on showing my gf how to shoot. I just want an atmosphere where she is going to be comfortable and not rushed.
  8. After my fun with the ladies at Kahoots (see other thread in parking lot)... I might of found myself a new girl... NO not a stripper. Anyway, I'm thinking of taking her to a range and having some fun. She has never held/fired a gun, but when I mentioned the idea she was totally into it. I live in Westerville and was wondering if there were any recommendations for ranges that would be easy going with possible rentals of other firearms? That's all thanks guys
  9. link? I'm getting one for my next "nice" car.
  10. Nice pick up. If you run accross some plinker rounds lmk.
  11. What Austin said. Things will be fine. I used to work on the transplant floor at OSU and the staff and doctors are great. Best of luck.
  12. That explains the Ru Paul poster I saw hanging up near the bathroom....LOL
  13. I was with a group of about ten chicks. I was not aware that it was that type of bar... although come to think about it, I did see a bunch of short haired girls and dudes paired up at tables.... Christ makes sense now. I was preoccupied with shots and sloppy girls to pay that much attention to the surrounding people.
  14. Where the hell are you supposed to park down there? I parked almost 3 blocks away from the restaurant in a section I swear said two hour parking 6p-6A. Ticket said I didn't have the proper permit or some bull like that. I haven't looked real close at it yet. 40 bucks chalked up to the wiser.
  15. Hell ya they did! Thanks for that, I forgot to mention about the free passes. We made it rain with free passes and the chick at the front desk was dumbfounded to say the least. La Fogota was not the greatest to be honest. The lighting was so dark everyone had to get their cell phones out to read the menu. I didn't hear anyone say anything good about the food. I know one of the girls next to me complained about it her plate and pushed it to the side. The services was the SLOWEST service I've experienced. Probably about an average of twenty mins per check up from the waitress. The margaritas were strong and did the trick quick for the ladies. The waitress did hook up our whole table with a shot of crown a piece at one point and time as well. I would go back, but wouldn't go out of my way. 5/10 We stopped at The Union after and they had some seriously strong drinks, but were on the pricey side. Side note... Just if anyone takes some girls or first timers to a strip club. REMIND them that private dances are by the song. LMAO two of the girls came back and joking yelled at me for not warning them. Guess they had a 90 dollar bill.
  16. We all went to Kahoots and had a blast. Excluding the fact that after Lafogota all had parking tickets....
  17. God damn, I haven't laughed so much on a CR post in YEARS. Still fn laughing! This post has a lot of win so far.
  18. I appreciate the helpful responses. Not mad at the jokes, I expected some. I just want the ladies to have a good safe time.
  19. link? These girls are nice girls... BUT nothing to get excited about.. If you get my drift.. I don't want to take to them to someplace that they are going to be uncomfortable with scuzzy guys hitting on them.
  20. I have a group of gal pals that want to go out to a female strip club tomorrow night. It is more or less an outing for one of the girls Birthday for fun. They asked where they should go and since I've yet to explore Columbus in this way I have not clue what to tell them. Any recommendations near or around the "Lafgota Grill" downtown? Thanks CR
  21. was really looking forward to a ghostbusters 3 with all the old cast... not now i guess.... RIP
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