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Everything posted by bucd

  1. wow...nice. if i sell my truck here soon, will be very interested. i can't believe it didn't sell already from last post. good luck! -D
  2. Up for a clean looking truck. -D
  3. damn..just picked up a silverado on thursday myself and was looking for a f-150. that looks like a very nice deal. shouldn't last very long. -D
  4. Ok...had to post this up here. -D
  5. I think he was just stating that you should put down exact year/model that these brake parts are for. Example: 2002 Honda Accord EX 4cyl Good luck with sale! -D
  6. bucd

    Exhaust fix?

    what he said. great customer service. awesome place, i've sent tons of people there and everyone always come back with the same response. -D
  7. bucd


    Yes, very good point! I just assumed that credit was not a problem. DUH! Better the credit, better the rate. Of course on older cars, the rate will obviously be higher no matter where you go, given that you are approved. -D
  8. bucd


    So far best places that i've found are credit unions. Most banks will only go back 7 years (if you are lucky) and under 100k miles. Here's a few you can call up: TelHio - http://www.telhio.org BMI - http://www.bmifcu.org/ Kemba - http://www.kemba.org/ Good luck! -D
  9. can't believe no one has picked this up yet. up for you -D
  10. up for you. looks like a great deal to me. -D
  11. Actually, if memory serves me right.... the xti did not come with the IS lens. I believe they started with the XSi and newer kits. OP can comment on that. That being said, this is a very solid camera. Depending on what you are wanting to do, this is a great starter kit for the price. -D
  12. up for you and PMed. -D
  13. Had these on my 07 civic ex before i sold the car, nice set of wheels. Someone buy these. -D
  14. Nope...these are prime lens. 50mm is it. Depending on which body you put this on, for a full frame camera it's equivalent to what we see in real life. As for the prosumer cameras (xti,xsi, etc..) it's like 70-80mm? due to crop. If that makes sense. If you want super long zoom, you will need something like the 75-300mm depending on what range you looking for. On that note, this is a super nice lens. Awesome in low light and superfantastic for portraits. -D
  15. bucd

    New TV help....

    Not sure why blu ray with that 720p set is not giving you good quality picture. I personal love plasmas for movies. I have a 60inch Pioneer Kuro for my main and a 42inch samsung 720p for the bedroom. If you are sitting further then 6ft away, you will not notice any difference from 720p vs 1080p with screen size smaller then 50inch. And even at 50inch you will be hard pressed to see the difference with the naked eye. May want to search avsforum.com for recommended settings for that set. Usually makes a world of difference. LCDs in general are great for rooms with alot of light, as they tend to be brighter. Plasmas like someone mentioned will be better with blacks. I think both types have their pros and cons, just depends on what it is that you are using it for. All in all, hope you find a set that fits your needs and have fun. -D
  16. Good deal Buck! I usually get all my cable needs from http://www.monoprice.com -D
  17. bucd

    image help

    You can use one of these two tools. http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=395624 -D
  18. up for nice ride and nice deal. -D
  19. PMed and up for you -D
  20. If that falls through, hit me up. I may be able to get one for you. -D
  21. You may be able to pick up one of the Canon Rebel series for that price as well. XT, XTi, or possibly the XSi. Can't go wrong with either Nikon or Canon. Seems like alot of pro sports photograher prefers Canon over Nikon. I personally have Canon XSi myself and my wife uses the Canon 40D...she has used it to do a few weddings and has been great. Remember when buying and DSLR is that you are buying into the lenses, bodies are upgraded pretty much every 16months i do believe. So the investment is in the lense. One thing I like about Nikon is that the Image Stabilizer is on the camera, so it makes the lense a little cheaper. Where as Canon lenses that have Image Stabilizer tends to add a few more $$ to the price. Either way, he won't regret going DSLR no matter which brand he ends up with. Good luck on search. It's too bad i sold my XTi not long ago, would have been perfect for him. -D
  22. bump for ya. how's it going frank? -D
  23. bucd

    wtb 9006 hids

    I picked up a VOLT kit from XenonDepot (AKA: kbcarstuff.com) and has been great. These have Japanese components, just assembled in Taiwan. The more expensive kit from them, the Xtreme kit has Japanese components and is assembed in Japan. I say just buy new if you can, if you buy used ones...if a ballast fails or bulb goes out...to replace it is more then half the cost of a brand new unit. Good Luck! -D
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