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Everything posted by JuicedH22

  1. Great looking car, very good price. Wanna trade the wheels? For some chrome zo6 wheels
  2. ^^ you never posted pictures of your girlfriend, asshole.
  3. Johnny Bravo: extensive vocabularist and cunning linguist
  4. JuicedH22


    BTW, thank you for helping me categorize my disorder, now I can seek the help I need.
  5. JuicedH22


    Dear Johnny, You will still always hold a special place in my heart. All the way back to your comical quips on SRD to your satirical posts on CR which bring laughter and joy to my soul. Thank you for your contributions to this site and I can only hope that you do not take another silly hiatus away from us. Best regards, Juicy
  6. Erotomaniac.... is that when you are crazy about porn? now I know what my condition is called!
  7. Yea, I 'd pretty good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNTRZ73Uz1M massa is comin...hide the watermelon.
  8. i just want to take this opportunity to say I fucking hate liberals, and I hate the blind sheep that follow w/o intellect driving them, just a media fan-fare.
  9. so if we were to look back 1 or 2 yrs of posts, we will not find you bashing bush similarly anywhere?
  10. ^^ At least they WON tonight?
  11. JuicedH22


    http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z137/push350z/kemnp%20rep/1.jpg http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z137/push350z/kemnp%20rep/2.jpg http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z137/push350z/kemnp%20rep/3.jpg http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z137/push350z/kemnp%20rep/4.jpg http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z137/push350z/kemnp%20rep/5.jpg
  12. JuicedH22


    ppsssssh, I bet he has never said anything like this: Yes, the idiot was soo retarded, he thought it was a good idea to do a race, in a fucking Meijer parking lot (where they were having a car meet). then he got an audi and thought it was super fast (beat to shit), then he got a dsm, and blew it up about 7 times, but claimed to be a master mechanic, then a 240, and he has blown it up about 4 times (yet still claims to know what he is doing), just weeks ago he was talking about how much more badass the CA 4cyl shit engine was than the SR, and how conservative and safe his tune was this time, and then proceeds to blow it up again and if you want I can post his rep history too, which is pretty hilarious
  13. nudes are not necessary, the typical myspace/facebook favs will work, it is much easier to know how to treat a girl if it is known how good she looks.
  14. JuicedH22


    no fucking way, you are on CSS now, check the epic threads... fuck we have our own word: Kemptarded (verb): when something is so absolutely retardedly stupid, that no other word can describe how fucking retarded that action is Kemptard: Beyond stupid, if you could have a negative IQ, you would begin to reach the realm of kemptardism.
  15. I would prefer to see the headlights of the envoy.
  16. JuicedH22


    wow, I can't believe you guys get so much joy from someone elses grief wait, we are the same way with some douchebag on CSS, but phil is no where NEAR as big an assclown as Kemp.
  17. UC FSAE > OSU FSAE just talkin shit BTW, I also fabricate my own car parts (sheet metal fab, mill, lathe, welding, and waterjet when get access to the machine...) but only when needed, and it isnt easier/cheaper just to buy something already properly designed/constructed....
  18. ummm, so, where's the pics again? Oh, thats right, you havent posted them yet. Get on it!
  19. who the fuck cares about bike races anyway?
  20. I liked the related video of hot girls shooting guns
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