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Everything posted by JuicedH22

  1. JuicedH22

    Team Output

    dammit, i wish you assholes weren't so far away, this sounds like funny shit
  2. JuicedH22

    Team Output

    Whatever you got... I can work with, yo
  3. JuicedH22

    Team Output

    A nitroused H22 engine... who the fuck would ever do such a thing...
  4. If you are going to call someone a moron (or any other intellectual insult for that matter), you really should have proper spelling in doing so. Otherwise it just adds irony to the statement.... just saying. BTW, did you call 1-800-GRAB-DUI or something? I think that would have been appropriate.
  5. He's not much of a "motherfucker" if he is too busy fapping
  6. I dont know if you had the same thoughts as me... but I remember when I taught Mechanics 101 to freshmen, the excuses they would come up with were laughable, very very laughable. And it always made me think "did I sound that retarded when I was a freshman making up excuses on why i missed exams/HW dates?"
  7. JuicedH22


    hmmmmm, it would be an improvement.
  8. well, its already turning you into what you hate... I mean who else besides a hippy would make a thread like this, with a fucking penguin no less....
  9. must get his genes from his mother...
  10. Come on, dont glorify MENSA, I took the admission test and qualified when I was 19 (took my first IQ test when I was 8~9 (136)) TRIPLE POST FTW!
  11. This thread is awesome.... Though you should watch out for this John Bravo character, you know how those pyschologists are... always trying to mind fuck people... I think i feel his pyschological penis rubbing my cranium as we speak.... it feels kinda kinky.....
  12. I pretty much never leave the Kitchen... I mean, it says I have 115 posts... but I think i have 3x as many in the Kitchen alone....
  13. I will paypal you 20 bucks... but you have to do it for 60 seconds. I are serious.
  14. I think you should put them back on, get on I-71 north (or south really I guess), get to top speed, see how long you can go.... it will be fun!
  15. where's the pRon video and pics section???
  16. I think they look pretty good on the car? I would LOVE for you to tell me a performance benefit from tire stretching...
  17. I always enjoy the random ass stories that pop up in the middle of a thread.... though I havent seen any as of late.... I am tempted to vote bravo, specifically because of the awesomeness of the yearbook thread...
  18. the burnout was actually quite large, unfortunately it was windy as hell, and the wind just blew the smoke away... the patch I laid was probably close to 200ft.
  19. thx... though your old z would roast my asshole I think the most mine will see is heads/cam (plus bolt-ons) and maybe some giggle gas if I need it. But that wont be until after I have significant seat time with the power as-is... Im trying to be fast in the long run, not the short.
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