ummmm, that is wrong as can be. We have/had the same thing in cincy for YEARS.... hell, we had the news offering lots of $$ to different people at meets if htey could give the story on street racing (one kid took it, it was all over hte news, which is a complete other story)
We handled it differently on local forums to keep from getting unwanted attention (secret forums, secret sites, not posting the race locations, or when/where they would be). NOt saying CR didnt take those precautions, but I def saw some sloppy things. AFter the drama, and losses that CR has had in the last 2yrs with stracing, I imagine 'publicly' removing it from the site is to be expect, and is justified, then to take it a step further and make it a "dont make fun of people" zone is taking it to a whole new level, but again, i can see where the decision made, but dont be fooled to think it wont turn A LOT of people away.