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Everything posted by JuicedH22

  1. I did all that work finding those quotes and making that post, and you dont give me any quote credit... thats plagerism!
  2. Oh hey, hal you doing? To answer your question, bashing other people makes me feel better about myself.
  3. hmmm, REAL pics, or it didnt happen.
  4. JuicedH22

    why the fuck

    Why the fuck..... dont you know which forums to post threads in?
  5. JuicedH22


    if you really are only trapping 114, yes, a complete waste of my time. Either way, guess we shall find out what is up this weekend.
  6. fuck that, I will make lamb chops.
  7. JuicedH22


    Which is way less retarded to drive than a neon.
  8. BTW, why the fuck does Phil get to be head Chef.. that's bullshit!
  9. JuicedH22


    CR's balls finally dropped again after a serious swift kick in the nuts?
  10. They both have been eaten by me? They both are delicious? You are allergic to both?
  11. the women make the sammichs where I am from, dont know what you queers are doing.
  12. BTW, I notice you have taken up the same profession as me. Stay off my turf, or I will have my pimp smack you around.
  13. Now let me get all my pots and pans so I can start cooking again! :bangbang: I mean, you see 136 posts, I am pretty sure I was close to a grand in the Kitchen
  14. Thats funny, my escrow went down, and I got a nice check in the mail from them. I am sure they will make up for it next year when it all gets adjusted again. BTW, for those that dont understand escrow, it has nothing to do w/ your financed interest rate, and what you actually owe on the house. The escrow is the 'pot/ of money that is renewed every year to pay for all the other 'things' such as homeowner's insurance, etc....
  15. hmmmm See, here is what I dont understand. You get rid of hte kitchen because you dont want people bashing other members.... yet I see a bunch of people in here bashing on one guy... hypocritical much
  16. ummmm, that is wrong as can be. We have/had the same thing in cincy for YEARS.... hell, we had the news offering lots of $$ to different people at meets if htey could give the story on street racing (one kid took it, it was all over hte news, which is a complete other story) We handled it differently on local forums to keep from getting unwanted attention (secret forums, secret sites, not posting the race locations, or when/where they would be). NOt saying CR didnt take those precautions, but I def saw some sloppy things. AFter the drama, and losses that CR has had in the last 2yrs with stracing, I imagine 'publicly' removing it from the site is to be expect, and is justified, then to take it a step further and make it a "dont make fun of people" zone is taking it to a whole new level, but again, i can see where the decision made, but dont be fooled to think it wont turn A LOT of people away.
  17. Not talking about the star wars project, but close enough. but yes, mostly for ballistic missle defense, but has a much larger range of capability. (and maybe, quite possibly, could be, tested/in testing).
  18. a giant laser from space. i bet you think i am kidding. BTW, F35 is stealth, so is F22 but in reality, it doesnt matter much, dog fighting is pretty much a thing of the past.
  19. 10/10 mfg, 5/10 models, could probably figure out the models if i tried more, but dont want to spend the time, lol
  20. like said, they are not 'cancelling' the F-22, they just arent going to build any additional aircraft, they think the cheaper F35 is the way to go. The F22 advocates are now going to push to buy more spare parts for F-22s.
  21. They have been talking about it in aviation news for months... The obama administration also wants to cancel the F136 (GE/Rolls alternative engine for the F35). Which is scary as hell for me, considering I am a design engineer on the program, so if it gets hacked, so does my job
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