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Everything posted by JuicedH22

  1. Yea, haufbrau is a good time, if you get down this way again, you should check out Mt. Adams bar district if you are into the bar scene. If you like the 'clubs' more then downtown has all kinds of those places as well, and some that try to mix the two together.
  2. Weren't you depressed when you have to leave a city as badass as cincy to go back to c-bus? JUST KIDDING!
  3. Can I get a refund on the 45secs. I wasted before I closed the window?
  4. or it could be: What kinda fag drifts a caddy? http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/7895/278940212fullwc1.jpg lol
  5. well, it was a lot cooler until you posted in it.
  6. ummm, dont think I have been anything but calm... and I also don't think I have even stayed on topic for this thread in quite some time (havent said a word about that assclown since i found out he was banned), I am clearly just fuckin around now PS, I know richmond, my grandparents actually live in Liberty. But I live in cincy, so dont make it that way but once a year at the holidays for the family get together.
  7. umm, excuse me "Brians", but this thread is pretty much "the shit". It is so, because I have posted in it, not to mention the OP, and anything I put my 2 cents in becomes a priceless piece of internet history.
  8. I gotta say, I normally have evil8 as my official spellchecker, he really is what keeps me running at a 6 sigma composition level.
  9. yea, even as perfect as I am, I still tend to make small errors every so often.
  10. Oh, sorry, you must not realize... I am pretty much the best there is, or will be, ever. Also, being a noob would imply that I am new to the website... which I am not, as a matter of fact, I have been a CR member longer than you. I am more of a "lurker" on CR if you want to add a forum term. So far I must say I am far from dazzled with your brilliance, and your BS leaves some to be desired as well, though you seem much better at it than the former.
  11. Why thank you! you do the same. BTW, its "I never saw you" or "I have never seen you. just thought I would point that out before some other grammer nazi did.
  12. Well, your quote is not completely accurate, because I am not the 'mentally incapable' one he is talking about. In fact, I am quite capable mentally speaking. As far as not having anything better to do, I am running a modal analysis at work right now which leaves me with not much else to do while the program runs, so yea, nothing much better to do. And I didn't go on every other forum to call him out. I just did that on this one. I was only on the other websites seeing what he posted recently, which was as hard as simple google seaching. But then again, what is quick and easy for me, might be difficult and time consuming for you?? Oh, and I didnt get on this board just to do that (call him out), I have been a CR member for quite awhile now, but you knew that because you checked before you posted your comment, right?
  13. yea, my bad.... you may want get yourself checked out before its too late...
  14. than a woman But yes, you are right, I could do the same, but I have left no reason for you to believe that. He on the other hand told one lie after another. If you knew me better (and I don't expect you to) then you would know the one thing that I can't stand is liars, especially pathological liars that tell such lies for no reason/gain. He came on to a forum I am on regularly (and moderate) and started in with these crazy stories, I called him out on it, came here to call him out on it only to find he was pretending to be someone else over here. And for the record, I didnt just blindly do so, I went out and actually researched this guy before I made the claim he was lying through his teeth. I went on SEVERAL forums he is a member of and found all the holes and inconsistencies in his stories all different from one web community to another, the only thing that was the same was the screenname(s) he uses and the ultra cool twist3d ryd3z logo or Gibson racing, or Gibson High Performance (which actually is copyright infringement if he plans on trying to use it as a company)
  15. LOL, it's so true! so, does he tell as many tall tales in person as he does on the intrawebz
  16. lol, didn't you hear, I got kicked out of charm school.
  17. He likes you enough to advertise on his truck! http://thumb16.webshots.net/t/60/460/6/1/59/2400601590101833296tfYwqo_th.jpg
  18. well, considering that is our buddy gibby gabby, I am not surprised
  19. maybe you can get this guy to help you on it too... http://hubpages.com/u/110092_200.jpg
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