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Everything posted by JuicedH22

  1. JuicedH22


    I can't view youtube from work, but I hope to god thats not the one from the nba basketball game... that is like 2yrs old, and was an ACT (a joke) put on by the home team (it was valentine's day).
  2. I hid it, all secret-like, just to force someone into this error.
  3. You are The Fail... http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=48817
  4. chuck lost all his power when he shaved his beard....
  5. she is no better... why the fuck cant we have a competent person running for president?
  6. you should do it, I bet it will do well... We did on in cincy some years ago (2002ish?) called Blacklist, though it wasn't really a documentary like you are thinking, it was about an 1hr and a half of street racing mixed in with music, some tagging, a little skate boarding and other stunts. It was pretty low key, a lot of people now know about it, but not many have seen the video. Started making a second one but the guy/company who was producing it started getting scared the police were going to get it and cause problems
  7. If you do, make sure you stop by and introduce yourself... I can't imagine there being any other silverstone R2s there so I should be easy to spot, lol
  8. I will be at Mid-Ohio April 11th if anyone wants to come try to take out my 'stock' FD there (but its not the car thats going to make me hard to beat )
  9. lol, yea, being 1 of only 87 silverstone R2's does make it rare! I just hate all the damn maintainability of keeping the rotary happy, and the complete lack of tq before 3.5~4k
  10. Which kit did you get? The hinson kits are very popular, but they dont look well designed/thought out to me... leaves a lot to be desired as far as structural stiffness is concerned. The granny's seemed a little better, but I think I will be making my own... wait, I mean, if I was going to swap... In other news, I raced a cammed ls2 swapped FD tonight in my FD.... wouldnt call it a race though... I didnt have a chance.
  11. any better pics of the cheerleaders... preferably naked.
  12. impossible, humans just dont have the mental capacity to match a cat's....
  13. 148, pattern recognition. On a side note, i would have to disagree with this being like a real IQ test, but the results are similar http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Juicedh22/untitled.jpg
  14. other countries aren't the only one who doesnt know about those tricks, lol
  15. I was going to post that the original link is retarded (as far as the text) because the F22 has the same capabilities... and lets not forget the F35
  16. JuicedH22

    Obama Tax Return

    I hardly think so... you on the other hand., well nevermind, every party needs mindless people to do what they tell them. Even if it includes spreading ignorant bullshit without a care to wheter or not its factual. I mean, you heard it on the internet or read it in an email, so it must be true! PS, triple post FTW
  17. JuicedH22

    Obama Tax Return

    No shit, buddy, reading comprehension owns you. I said the picture was taken at the beginning, not that he didnt do it through the whole thing. jackass.
  18. JuicedH22

    Obama Tax Return

    a-fucking-men. PS, i am not necessarily republican, I am def. a moderate, I have some liberal views and some conservative views. I am voting republican because I am working on government contracts. Much more likely to get military spending with a republican which lets me keep working on my project.
  19. JuicedH22

    Obama Tax Return

    First off.. I am voting republican. 2nd, this thread proves the mindless sheep that the general public is... I hear baaaaaah a lot in this thread. Its called propaganda and it is obvious who is dumb enough to just blindly fall for it. Obama DOES put his hand over his heart and pledge to the flag. You morons read somewhere that he didnt and saw the single solitary photo that shows him w/o his hand over his heart with the PROPAGANDA STORY that said he didnt. Where if you actually decided to find the facts you would find out that the picture was taken at the beginning to the National Anthem and would then find 32986324983274 pictures that show him actually doing the pledge of allegence. I suppose you dipshits also believe that he has said he would be sworn in on the Koran if he won... well you would be wrong on that one too, retard. this concludes my rant that thoroughly demonstrates the effectiveness of political propaganda on the public, because 90% of them are blind sheep that believe anything they hear. PS, Vote republican!
  20. Well, I guess i can help here... If you want to stay at a hotel downtown, there are SEVERAL, and all of them are nice. There are also several good bars/clubs downtown here are the better ones: Bang! (best place IMO, hottest girls, no ugly ones, good music, lots of places to sit and chill, and a small/med dance floor if you want to do that) Sully's (great bar, great looking women) Cadillac Ranch (large mix, hot women, but also DUFFs, large mix of music, from country to rock to hiphop/rap) Lodge Bar (good live music on weekends, a lot of people barhop between Sully's and here, as well as Cadillac Ranch since they are all within the same block) Downside: None really, except for the hotels are more expensive. If you dont want to go downtown, Mt Adams has a great bar district with several amazing bars such as The Pavillion (my favorite), Longworth's, as well as Alive One. Pavillion is a 4 level bar, with outdoor patios on each level. Longworths is 2 stories, live music, pool tables, and an outdoor patio on the first level and more of a club atmosphere on the 2nd (also has an outdoor patio w/ bar). The Mt Adams bar district is a popular place in cincy for bachelor/bachelorette parties. Downside: Depending, sometimes Mt Adams can be dead on weekends in the winter/spring before it gets warm out. You would have to get a cab back to your hotel. Also, keep in mind there is no smoking in these places. If you want to smoke, right across the river is the Main Strasse village which is a bar district with about 10~15 bars all lined up. Very good looking women, cheap drinks, lots of fun. Downside: its a bar goer smoking haven, so all the places are filled with smoke. and you will smell like an ashtray when you leave. If you do go to the Gambling Boats (which are in indiana) there are strip clubs around them. I have never been, but I hear they can get pretty shady. If you have anymore questions, I have a pretty good feel for cincinnati night life, feel free to PM me. FYI, for my buddy's bachelor party, we all met up at the hotel. A party van was rented, one guy drove it we went to the gambling boats from around 6 to 10ish, then went downtown and bar hopped between the bars I mentioned above and it was a blast (even the dd who drove the party bus had fun). The original plan was to take the party van back to the hotel, then have a cab take us to the bars so everyone could get hammered, but the guy who drove said he didnt plan on drinking alot anyways.
  21. Damn, this topic AGAIN.... And anyone who can look at those pics and think he is alive, is fucking retarded.
  22. who the hell apologizes for shit on the internet? I just want to take this opportunity to say I will not apologize to any of you fucks, I hate you all, and hope you die in a fire.
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