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Everything posted by JuicedH22

  1. is that what you normally sing when swinging from someone's nuts?
  2. this would be great if there was something that actually showed superior mental capability. But just to clarify the distinction of word emphasis used, the correct word WAS emphasized with regards to reference to your post. Is it really that hard to follow that in said "comback" the same word emphasis should have been used (which it was). If I had merely been trying to say you are horrible, then it would have looked like "Doc, your breath is horrible, now my cock smells from your garbage breath."
  3. 'doc' and I go way back... just dont know if he remembers it
  4. the self image of greatness does have its drawbacks of delusion doesn't it? damn... meeting time, cya sugar!
  5. you are horrible at this
  6. here you go: http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b280/Muniment/failcat.jpg fits in nicely with your less-than-humorous posts.
  7. lol, gopher... thats a knee slapper! but you are right, your appearance in this thread is welcome, thank you for contributing to my greatness.
  8. just pull the one off your back...
  9. I almost did... but I didnt want to "cross the line" again. lol
  10. More importantly why are you allowed to reply to my sweet thread with senseless bable?
  11. Sary, Is aint edemucated enuff four dat stuf beasides, dis is a car forum it aint no enlish forum soo stopp korecting my gramer
  12. have sex with other men? yes, we know.
  13. Speaking of sandwiches.... your mom makes great ones, they taste really good, much better than her pussy tastes.... old woman pussy, uuugh that one almost made ME gag!
  14. Yea, no need to be a complete asshole, I actually like these guys! On a side note, he also made a song... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_d1uJkuG0c&feature=RecentlyWatched&page=1&t=t&f=b
  15. NO no no, This holiday is for those of us who like to GET blowjobs, not give them.... But thank you for your participation in the holiday none-the-less.
  16. SpaceGhost reacts to my joke towards sam, that went to far... http://www.dumpalink.com/videos/Internet_haters-aeji.html
  17. It appears the ghost took it more serious than mr sam. Bad mr ghost, bad.
  18. Well, I made your sandwiches, but I was hungry... so I ate them http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z100/CH37005/MofoStoleMySammich.jpg In its place, kitty offers you: http://superelectric.blogspot.com/sammich.jpg
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