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Everything posted by 98fiveseven1647545503

  1. fun times I passed info on to a friend who is looking for vehicle
  2. I like it but hate the interior!
  3. last buyer backed out. 280$ near perfect condition back has some scrathches due to sand getting in the cover. screen is perfect operates perfect. text message me at 937-594-9268
  4. Selling my iphone. I dont need it anymore as I switched back to VZW. I want $325 obo. Price is inline/lower than other comparable phones on craigslist. Selling lower so I can move it quicker and it has some minor scratches on the case of the phone. Strictly superficial and the screen is flawless.
  5. just a random comment as I am invisible in here as when I try to call BC
  6. good to see the maturity level of CR hasnt changed (post name changes and shit talk wise)
  7. Might just have to have Johnny order my sprockets since it doesnt look like its gonna sell
  8. That was my fault. It has been forever and a day since I had been on CR.
  9. deff IDK if I remember my login for Ohio riders tho lol Im gonna post it on dayton fbody and prolly on craigslist in cbus and here in dayton. I need a busa NOW! LOL Johnny has had me on his bike and I LOVE it. Its perfect for everything I want and more.
  10. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs126.snc1/5415_1156471201016_1504818604_391237_207737_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs126.snc1/5415_1156471321019_1504818604_391240_599384_n.jpg I'll post more pix later. also the bike has been lowered 1.5 inches
  11. I am selling my ninja so I can get out from under it and go get me a busa I have all of the stock parts. It has a 2 Brothers carbon fiber exhaust, hot bodies GP tinted windscreen Harris Grips, sixty61 spiked bar ends and windscreen bolts, Pit Bull swing arm spools Shinko Rear Tire Will be replacing the front tire soon with a shinko. 7417miles I have meticulously taken care of this bike. oil changed every 2000-2500 miles k&n oil filter and Kawasaki Synthetic oil Bike has been drag raced and has gone a 11.0@127mph
  12. what does everyone around here do for fun?! miss you silly fuckers
  13. not bad at all! needs a set of heads and more of my stuff im selling his sixty looks pretty good. is the big end of the track still all ground down, or did they finally re-pave it? Right lane or Left?
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