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Everything posted by 98fiveseven1647545503

  1. call me back ass and funny funny i lol'd
  2. yea thanks for keeping our rubber wet greg! and dont you have some cool IT library stuff to be doing instead of being on CR?
  3. Good pics man, I just wish the Joe Rocket Prostreet boots would have made it on time fashion emergency on my boots but hey they worked
  4. Im going to save some pennys and pay a visit to Brock's Performance... lowering links and a radial mount strap kit! and probably a Vortex front sprocket.
  5. True that, and I finally learned my bike some more pretty much the 2nd actual time at a track with the new bike first pass was 11.6@125 2.18 60' Last pass was 11.361@127mph 2.11 60' Still gotta get my launch down and that will be from learning the bike and being less of a pussy on the launch but lots of thanks to Jeremy and Daniel who helped me dial in the bike and myself now its time to get a strap so I can spank the other Paul all the way down the track just not catch him at the 1000ft mark all though it made it more fun for me good times guys!!!
  6. yes the ridden endorsement test. I have to take my permit test again just expired... Thanks for the help guys!! I'll deff visit google soon! I'm pretty familiar with my bike been on it almost a season. Greg: yep that was me.
  7. How hard it this? I dont currently have time to take off work to where it wont financially hurt very bad to take the MSF course. I just need to get the endorsement and then when I get vacation time or we pick up a few more hours I can afford to take some time off...
  8. told you that heat sink intake sucked LOL gratz man and once again thanks to you and randy for some help on the Z.
  9. I thought it was pretty good... didnt care for the tunnel scenes much but ohwell the movie was entertaining. Some nice muscle cars, BIG RED was in the movie.( google big red camaro) Id see it again. The ricers afterward was worth it anyways And whatever happened to N2O not being flammable? Nitrous blew up 4 cars this time!! woohooo "Nitro Methane is for pussies"
  10. R.I.P. Kenny you will be missed by all of us!
  11. Got an email fwd to me and I havent checked the link for legitamacy but here is a copy paste of it.
  12. hmm you dont need it to survive so it carries, hmm what do we call it? Oh yes, SALES TAX
  13. Taurus Judge http://www.gunblast.com/images/Taurus-Judge/Thumbs/DSC00272.jpg that would be my close range handgun and I would either take an AK because of availability or try to be like my gun hero scott and do the m14.
  14. me and you still have a go round to ensue eventually if i ever decide to reassymble my car...3 outta five for dinner at bostons.... but we are playing at MCIR.... maybe i should run you ETs on my bike you might have a chance that way
  15. ill reload magazines for ya as long as I get to empty a few! but you get to open the beer! btw scott I wanna go shooting sometime! :bangbang:
  16. I'm curious as to why it couldnt be charged accordingly. As an alleged street racing citation and then the larger situation as a drunk driving accident?! If they want to make a big street racing example why not use the case that displays the prime example? They have the proven racing and evading they have the first hand law enforcement viewing of the crime. No they chose this one because there was a death, a female who had life altering injuries, whose father happens to be a lawyer and that is what they seem to have based their street racing crack down on. They haven't and might not even be able to prove they were racing when it happened. The media has severly fucked the average joe's perception of the crime at hand who will be appointed to jury duty. I dont believe that the media has used the proper terms as alleged street racing, but have displayed it as a set fact they were indeed racing. I personaly dont believe prosecution will be able to prove beyond resonable doubt they were racing and that directly contributed to the accident. R.I.P. George and best of luck to Brandon! I hope that the jury is not biased based on the image the media has portrayed and convinced the public that they were indeed racing when that has not even been proven?!
  17. that was freakin sweet! lotta work right there!
  18. You LIE!!! I got mmine off and on piece of cake! I guess I might have a bit of experience from seeing why you owned black duct tape :-p loosen DS motor mount and its gravy now i cant find all the motoviation to put it back together....
  19. Im going to send you to Weber Racing Equipment... Im surprised you even asked thios question Ray what ever will Leo say?!?!
  20. gee makes my 300EX seem WAY slow! but im usually down to ride whenever
  21. the green wheels sold me on it every freakin bike comes with black wheels... Only bad thing is if i want to paint the bike eventually i have to paint the wheels too
  22. http://b0.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/00510/04/47/510717440_l.jpg kitty pic for good messure and the trippple possst
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