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Kurt B.

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Everything posted by Kurt B.

  1. Its really nice to be at the top of the food chain isn't it? Your boring.
  2. Sam, you haven't been the same without the Vette' you need another one, oh and you guys know how I feel about GM's, but the new Vette's are the shit.
  3. More dogs are killed in China on a daily basis to eat, than in America on a daily for "Humaine" reasons, but everone still buys products "Made in Communist China" some of these comments are really laughable. Vic did a bad thing, Ok I get that, but lets not forget he went to jail because Uncle Sam didn't get a piece of the pie(Illegal Gambling) and nothing else. (Anyone here ever gambled illegaly?) As for being a role model, its the same as the music your kids listen to, if you dont like them doing it, step up and be a parent and dont let the TV/Radio do you job for you. Football is a bussiness like anything else, if they can make money at it they are going to, if you dont like it, dont watch it, nobodys forcing you to.
  4. Chad, I'll be calling you, Anthony, I cant believe you sold it, what are you moving up to?
  5. Well, actually......................................Its not.
  6. +1, I see a Mustang drag car in your future. Clean ride.
  7. Kurt B.


    I'll take some of that action, I'm a Cobra owner who can read............... D, get a better intro, or these asses over here will eat you up, its just something all newbs go through(why I dont really know)
  8. It rocked, for what it is. It could have been much worse, IMO not a bad way to spend a few buck at the movies.
  9. LOL!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully I'll be up at Woodward.
  10. Kurt B.

    Hola CR.

    UMMMMMMM, dont look at CR at work???????? Mached, get some pics up.
  11. Kurt B.

    Hola CR.

    Welcome to the site, ignore the idiots, most people on here dont have anything better to do than be e-thugs. +1 on rep.
  12. Another good engine put in a stupid car, it weights too much. I'd like to see that engine in a V6 stang, or a new SVT focus
  13. Welcome, didn't you guys just move? I think I came up to your old place for a Dyno-day, nice people I remember. Ignore the idiots in this post, its something all the newbs go through.
  14. I'll take it, PM me your number and I'll give you a call.
  15. Check the Corral, I saw 3 guys selling set-ups like we did on Cam's car about a month or so ago.
  16. Looking for a SC 3.8 V6 GM motor. Running condition. Let me know what you have, or where I can find one. Thanks.
  17. Kurt B.

    Gearheadz #1

    I'll be in the sand on Monday, when you got time for the AC?
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