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Kurt B.

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Everything posted by Kurt B.

  1. Classic shit here. Eric / Dover, chill...........
  2. Somebody change the name of this site to Dr.Phill.com. Ask a question about a car, and get everyones opinion on what you should do with your life. Last time I checked he had a mom and dad, leave all that shit up to them.
  3. It wont fit the GT, without alot of other shit. Do you have everything in that picture? if so, how much for the lower crank pulley assembly?
  4. Clean ass car, good luck with the sale.
  5. +1 on that. I put 170k on my lightly modded GT, and never had a single problem out of it, and it was an auto. I'll take the engine out of the SHO, you can keep the rest. Last I heard GM was dicking around with the Idea of keeping the G8 in the family and making it the new Caprice.
  6. The kid ask's for help with his car, and gets suggestions on how to run his life, typical CR. Lifes too short, and tommorows are not promised fellas. I'd buy Jeffro's GT (if he was serious) buy a built low compression short block, and toss on one of Chad's turbo kits. A little more than 17k, but close.
  7. Get my head out of my ass? Real grown up statement there son. Like I said, if you dont like him, vote him out. You dont really have a problem with him, its all the "people" who voted for him, You know "We the people". I'll just sit back and watch how much you all have to bitch about the next time he takes a shit.
  8. Seems to me like you guys want to worship all his wrongs, and thats about it. You want to Bitch about a couple of jet flights? Give me a list of all the shit that Bush did wrong, and get back to me. So he's spending alot of money, this is his way of trying to fix the B.S. that Bush and all his "Good old boys" left us with, who do you really need to be fixating your hate on? The people elected this guy, the other guy lost, oh well get over it, if you dont like him vote him out in 4, thats the way things work. If he looses in 4, you wont find me being a crybaby over it. Grow up.
  9. The only people on this site(as well as others) that keep him in discussion are the ones who hate on the man. Let him at least fail miserably first. BTW I've yet to ever meet an Obama worshiper, show me one please, I'll smack him for you.
  10. Just one more thing to hate the man for............
  11. This kit with a 76mm sounds good, I just may need to convert to N/A by spring time.
  12. How much boost will the turbo with this kit support?
  13. The Advance coupon say its only good at grand opening stores, know how I find one?
  14. I need a ballpark on the price, the ex-wife is paying for it not me...lol

    BTW, how much do you think I can get for Cam's car if I sell it. He's really pissing me off and I think he may need a firm dose of reality in his life. On another issue he blew the clutch out of it Sat. night.

  15. Rear brakes, drums. 02 nissan quest, I got the shoes.

    Accessory drive belts.

  16. LOL, "Indoctrinated". Time to get the children their own "I'm a communist card" for their wallets and purses. The teacher was an idiot for doing this, but come on guys, its one school, and one idiot. When its gets a little more widespread bitch then.
  17. Oh Snap! I'm sure the comeback will be something like this: "This was for a thank you from the community, not a blatant attempt to brainwash or children, so it dosent count."
  18. I'm a Browns fan til' I die, but i have to hand it to them Bengals. Who Dey!
  19. If you want to wait til spring I'll take you up on that.
  20. I knew you would latch onto this, I was just waiting to see your post. And as much as it pains me to agree with you, that teacher is stupid for doing this. BTW my Cobra vs. your Vette for $100
  21. He just ordered some 4 bolts yesterday.
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