I know this will either get locked fast, or altogether deleted. Right now I could care less if I get kicked off CR. Those who know me know I do not participate in any shit talking or bullshit. The crap that is going on b/t Gearheadz and IPS is business related, good or bad, right or wrong. If the man has an opinion about who is running their mouth at his shop, so be it. "There is to be no Vendor/Sponsor bashing on CR", It doesn't say anything about bashing on each other, if that were the case there would be no "CR!" People get banned for a variety or reasons here, not as many get banned that should IMO. But when there is a collective agreement b/t moderators that "could" affect a man's way to make a living it pisses me off. Who am I? Probably a nobody in most peoples eyes here. But this bullshit is stupid, I'm done here.