I dont know if I just got one A-hole cop, or if it was the end of the month Quota day or what, but-while coming into Gahana from I-270 in one hours time I saw one cop give out 4 tickets-he made one dangerous turn against the flow of traffic to get one lady who ran a yellow light and 3 u-turns on RT62-the third one to get me. He got me for tint, and get this his meter read 16%, when I know it was 35% because I just got it on 2 days before--I was o.k. w/that ticket I knew the tint was under the legal limit-but even if it was legal his meter would has still read 20% below what was really on the window--O.k. here's the bitch of it all-He also gave me a ticket for having an obstructed licence plate. Obstructed w/what you ask? A lightly smoked plate cover that he said he could not see my plate through when passing my car. He also continued to tell me that even the clear covers were illegal, even though they sell them at the D.M.V.-so all who like a nice looking ride beware the new NEW ROME-GAHANA!!!