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Kurt B.

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Everything posted by Kurt B.

  1. I thought it was funny, oh wait, now your typing this shit at work? You want 2 ass whoppins today? Get to work, and get off line!
  2. You'll have to wait til spring for an ass-whoppin.
  3. Welcome to the site, nice car, dont mind the assholes on here who have nothing better to do than flame on a 17 year old who seems to have his head on straight, and at least does his racing at the track. Unfortunately this site is full of them, but the majority of people on here are cool. Cam, you typing this shit in school? I'm gonna beat your ass when you get home, and cut out the color shit.
  4. Dont be fooled by the Manley name, the stuff in the Cobra is on the cheap end of their inventory, especially the rods, No lie............
  5. Kurt B.

    taillight tint

    OK, put me down for a set, maybe two, I may have a friend that wants In on this.
  6. Airborne, great movie. Rollerblading through 20 miles of Cincy FTW.
  7. Kurt B.

    taillight tint

    OK, how bout this, if you get ten people what will the price be?
  8. Wow, thats impressive for sure, I wouldn't trust the stock block at those power levels for long with a P.D. blower though. Hal, I havent heard anything yet on the new lower cage design, but if they come out with it in the next 5 months I might rethink my turbo plans.
  9. I was there that year, it was a blast, no power and all.
  10. Kurt B.

    taillight tint

    Post up a price, and i might be in.
  11. Stock block? I've heard of a couple of horror stories recently of the crank snouts breaking off due to the stress on them with lower pulley combos. Ford made the lower pulley cage that way for a reason. I hear Metco, and LFP aare redesgning their lower pulley set ups just for this reason. Another reason for me to go turbo. I predict 700 on the combo your talking about here with the supporting mods. Good luck!
  12. The U.S. will not go to war over some little po-dunk country most people have never even heard of. You heard it here first.
  13. He ain't aloud................
  14. If you guys do this toward the end of October I want in. I got to do a few parade laps at Mid-Ohio, and have wanted to go back ever since.
  15. Change of plans, dont have to work, I'll be there.
  16. I havent seen any difference in the police presence since the event a couple of weeks ago, and I travel north 270/71 everyday.
  17. Kurt B.

    tonight 7/4

    I might be out
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