LOL, me too.
Stupid ass people.
I hate to see hard working peoples taxes wasted on BS like this. The DA, and judge need their heads examined, this should not have even made it to court.
Yeah, now we all know that a book (Bibble) written by men, cannot ever be wrong, or questioned, now dont we.
That chick need a psychiatric evaluation, and some of the rest of you need one too.
Preston I dont have the lower pulley cage anymore, and I really think it will be less of a hassle for you to just buy a stock sized lower pulley for the Metco kit I have now.
Derek, alot of that stuff on your list is already on my car, and he wont need to buy. (I thought thats why they called it a swap)-lol
Don't scare the kid.
Need a new heater core installed in the boys V6 mustang, it seems like a real bitch, and I dont have time to get to it, if anyone wat to make some $$, let me know what you charge.
Thanks, Kurt.