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Kurt B.

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Everything posted by Kurt B.

  1. Ken, Sam congrats, i wish I could have stayed to see you guys run.
  2. Best seafood in the state(IMO)- is at Mike Finks-a bit pricey, but worth it--its on a riverboat across from the stadium in Kentucky.
  3. Fun Ford Weekend@Norwalk, July 10th and 11th, just wondered if anyone was going.
  4. Zaino is gonna last longer than NXT, but it is going to get you very, very close to the same results, plus it goes on and come of much easier.
  5. Some people just have no taste, or style, or sense, I could go on.....
  6. end result?-when you find out let everyone know
  7. Kurt B.

    July 10th

    July 10th?, not going to Norwalk for the FFW
  8. The stupidity of some people never cease to amaze me.
  9. A quote from a police friend of the x-wifes-- "if he's hasseling you about you exhaust, he's just being a jerk" tell the cop to get out his DB meter, or go eat a dounut. You talking about CPD or local jerk? BTW-I just put the same exhaust on my 03, sounds great don't it [ 16. June 2004, 01:21 AM: Message edited by: KBOND99 ]
  10. Dam, hope we never see those things over here, I hate regular sized bees
  11. Hey man, why don't you just screw the dog idea and buy a gun!!
  12. A pit that lived 5 doors down attacked my daughter and father a year and half ago, the dog found a way over a 6ft high privacy fence, my daughter took a bite in the leg before my father got there to help her, he got 60 stiches, the 16 year old kid that owned it got his mother entire homeowners insurance policy canceled, and her sued, oh and the dog got a bullet courtesy of the CPD--so if you think that is GAY go buy one,let it get loose and see what might happen to ya.
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