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Kurt B.

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Everything posted by Kurt B.

  1. Where exactly on Livingston.
  2. looks just like the one I used to have.
  3. Kurt B.

    chevy HHR

    Look ma, its a Cobalt truck!
  4. Welcome to the board, I have a buddy w/ a Saleen identical to yours, only red.
  5. funny shit, keep it comin...
  6. Hey Mowgli, did I see you downtown yesterday? (Fri. about 12) I got in frt of you around Broad and High. If so, nice ride, and put me in line to run ya.
  7. Hey Mowgli, did I see you downtown yesterday? (Fri. about 12) I got in frt of you around Broad and High. If so, nice ride, and put me in line to run ya.
  8. $62,000 for a C6 w/500hp. $45,000 for a Cobra w/465hp $17,000 in savings. I'd take about $1000 of that in bolt-on's and a tune, and rape that C6
  9. You cant loose either way. Personally I'd buy the Cobra, take the left-over cash and go on a vacation.
  10. If my new setup is done by springtime, I'll take some.
  11. After owning 5 Mustangs in 15 years, I've learned one thing...sandbags are your friends/put it together w/some good snow tires and you dont slip or spin. Being a good driver helps too.
  12. I was lucky enough to get stuck in both clog ups too, hey Mowgli, I see you gettin off at the Morse Rd exit?
  13. Kurt B.

    Boss Mustang?

    If I remember correctly the only "official" Boss mustang in recent memory was a one off car that Coletti put together in 96' I think, it was a orange SN95, fuel injected 429-dont quote me on the cubes, I've got pics of it somewhere, anything other than that is just a graphics package.
  14. Kurt B.

    Ford GT

    For those of you who haven't seen one in person yet, Krieger has one in the showroom. $256,000--$156,000 w/a $100,000 mark-up due to "lack of availability" -I hate dealerships.
  15. Whipple, and a real fuel system.
  16. Kurt B.


    46 seconds left--lets see if the grease on the goalposts keeps everyone off
  17. 1320stangs.com stangbangerz.com stangsource.com svtperformance.com mustangworld.com just a few
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