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John Bruh

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Everything posted by John Bruh

  1. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/700HP-CHIP-FOOSE-FORD-MUSTANG-STREET-STRIP-SHOW-CAR-/110568008181?cmd=ViewItem&pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item19be5de9f5
  2. this is the link i used new crack only http://hotfile.com/dl/59404091/290cca9/NEW_Crack.rar.html
  3. i clicked to download it and 2 times now it says the server is reset. and it takes way longer than the 9.1 min. estimation
  4. + REP TO Primera He got me what i needed. If anyone can get my guitar pro 6 thats cracked that would be even better!
  5. I've found 2 5.0s notchback rollers for 1500. So I'd say notchback
  6. maybe if you posted pics and told people right off the bat it had an issue, maybe it would be sold by now imo.
  7. My buddy has the Guitar pro 5 program and its awesome to learn songs. I'm just started playing again and I'm not great so I want this program. Does anyone have it where i can borrow it and download it? Or does anyone have the user id and key id(because i have my buddies disc, but it requires these to activate it and he lost his paperwork).
  8. does it come with a gold bar?
  9. let the bidding begin http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320569232769&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT
  10. Wish I could afford a nor-tech
  11. If you were putting this on a VW you could fit 305s. Hellaflush
  12. That's really cheap. Truck is worth 15-16 easy. I bet its salvage title
  13. I'm ordering one of these fuckers right away! http://www.luxury-design.com/img_news/080520101720small02.jpg AB 140. 140ft Max Speed 50knots! http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.luxury-design.com/img_news/080520101720small02.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.luxury-design.com/uk/articles-design/ab_yachts_140__40_meters_of_exception-322&usg=__N-jF0SuJAjEGSkyWutRaOUPhylI=&h=543&w=800&sz=115&hl=en&start=8&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=Mgf_HyI6bE2CbM:&tbnh=97&tbnw=143&prev=/images%3Fq%3DAB%2BYachts%2B140%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26tbs%3Disch:1 Or maybe one of these http://www.luxury-design.com/img_news/090427102735small02.jpg http://www.luxury-design.com/uk/articles-design/riva_athena_115_new_lord_of_the_sea-459
  14. i would agree more with this. My buddy just sold a very very nice 91 318 (same body style as sam's car) for 2k. And interior is perfect 5spd. I would of bought that car and put a ls2 in it. so maybe have 6-7k in it. So i would say 8-10k. for a lsx car. 5.0's are cheaper, but yours is turbo'd so i'd say 8-10k
  15. http://www.readthesmiths.com/articles/Images/Humor/Fail/1FAIL.jpg
  16. i cannot go longer than 2 days without a shower.
  17. its right off 40 just east of reynoldsburg .5mile from my house.
  18. John Bruh

    WTB Pickup Truck

    got a 1980 f-350 camper special 2wd $1500 http://www2.diamondlot.com/dls/inventory/standard/detailxsl.aspx?id=1504763&lang=en
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