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John Bruh

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Everything posted by John Bruh

  1. John Bruh

    Got bored...

    ar15 pistol!! MAKE IT HAPPEN!
  2. Ill give him 1500. Depending how it looks as there hasn't been any pitcures posted
  3. I have better time than to wait every second and refresh CR and wait and see if you posted something on my page. But I'm flattered that you are waiting hand and foot on my response to you. You are very simple minded, yet pose as someone that is whitty and intelligent and it makes me ROTFL
  4. there is nothing you can do or say that will bother my. Just go ahead and keep faping to they gay porn you're watching. FAG!
  5. its no big new of course the government is ran by banks. All the american look past it and do nothing about it. We need a uprise and a new government. We can not fix the current government its to corrupt. We need a new government. We need to run our government like business owners in the private sector.
  6. I never knew retards so be so egotistical. You must be one of the few, bet you make your parents proud.
  7. I don't need to follow a retard into a corner so I don't need to follow you.
  8. ar15s aren't for liberal fags. sorry.
  9. you probably hear that from tyler, oh and i never put that belt on so nice try. i did fix it after he pointed it out.
  10. that works. All the buttons work properly, none of them stick right? when can i meet you?
  11. looks like its coming together! NICE BUILD.
  12. ill give you 15 for it. is it black or white? it doesn't matter
  13. I actually saw something im going to oder from them. thanks
  14. i just played it again. level 5 score 13,351
  15. most big turbo dsm guys 40r and up "Use" to run 4 single 1600s. now most guys are running dual 1000-1200s, you gain more control and can fine tune them over the single 1600s. On 1600s their eaither on or off not much grey area.
  16. you are going to hate life with 1600s. I dont care what type of fuel you're running. E85 won't make up for how they act in dsm's. Good luck Mad Tyght JDM YO! side bar, good intro
  17. how about this http://www.myjewelrybox.com/?section=item&itemID=4035&tn=NX0001&mr:referralID=2de9b2e0-0d10-11df-a274-000423bb4e79
  18. I'll try to look up the website i ordered a ring off it before for a present and was pretty nice for the price. it was szul jewlery
  19. why the fuck do you have 1600cc injectors for a 16g? :jerkit:
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