I have better time than to wait every second and refresh CR and wait and see if you posted something on my page. But I'm flattered that you are waiting hand and foot on my response to you. You are very simple minded, yet pose as someone that is whitty and intelligent and it makes me ROTFL
its no big new of course the government is ran by banks. All the american look past it and do nothing about it. We need a uprise and a new government. We can not fix the current government its to corrupt. We need a new government. We need to run our government like business owners in the private sector.
most big turbo dsm guys 40r and up "Use" to run 4 single 1600s. now most guys are running dual 1000-1200s, you gain more control and can fine tune them over the single 1600s. On 1600s their eaither on or off not much grey area.
you are going to hate life with 1600s. I dont care what type of fuel you're running. E85 won't make up for how they act in dsm's. Good luck
Mad Tyght JDM YO!
side bar, good intro