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John Bruh

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Everything posted by John Bruh

  1. a razor blade is your friend taking it off.
  2. idk y everyone hates on the wheel guns, most 1911's hold 7+1, and you can get 8 shot .357mag wheel guns. or get a bad as 2" .44 mag!
  3. i do this, and if i want to be real og then i do 40oz curls!
  4. truck op linked has more upgrades than these
  5. not if you shoot fmj .357mag with fmj= in and out
  6. don't you work for coughlin newark, if you trade let jay sell it.
  7. i provide a free carfax with every car i sell!
  8. i just saw its a 6speed. this is one of the easiest trucks to sell a 7.3L 6speed crew cab long bed 4x4. take the lift and shit off i can sell it for 16-17k
  9. x2 worth way more than 20k, just the NADA book value would be probably be around 13-16k so anymore than that the next buyer would have to come out of pocket to pay just to get financed. Unless they have a home equity line then everything is easy buy most people don't do that.
  10. Saw this on AR15.com pretty sweet collection. Most are S&W http://pic20.picturetrail.com/VOL1600/691553/19758672/371516370.jpg
  11. need cash to pay off a credit card.
  12. bump $650 TAX TIME IS HERE!!! can a mod update my 1st post with new price?
  13. x2. you should of for proof of ownership history.
  14. I need a charger for my g.f.s dell insprion 1526. Where is the cheapest place to find one other than ebay
  15. I dug that pot hole just to get you paul, i see it worked
  16. John Bruh

    I'm a Dad!

    congrats, welcome to no sleeping! lol
  17. welcome heres mine http://forums.posdsm.com//imagehosting/944a7fb8539efef.jpg http://www.ten-fifty-one.com/gvr4/new/hood%20001%20(Medium).jpg
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