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John Bruh

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Everything posted by John Bruh

  1. that truck ppc did was good, but if you've even drivin a sport chassis and a kodiak side to side like i have hands down SPORT CHASSIS
  2. seems legit to me WHOLESALE VALUES 12/02/09 KC Regular $13,800 67,362 Avg SILVER 8G A Yes 12/22/09 DETROIT Regular $13,500 73,733 Avg BLACK 8G 6 Yes 12/17/09 ATLANTA Regular $12,500 94,395 Avg BLACK 8G 5 Yes 11/04/09 KC Regular $12,600 99,278 Avg BLACK 8G 6 Yes
  3. sucks man, ive seen it happen b4 good luck!
  4. sister sounds like a whore....I don't know you or her, but how the hell could she not know who was the dad? WOW! Just go to Maury!!!! She might find out in several episodes. lol
  5. i didnt use to be untill the guy i worked with showed me all the stuff i posted above. This is the first time ive ever considered anything like this plausable. I would always blow this shit to the side and tell people their fucking crazy but it you look into it its kinda deep. Now I hope this isnt true, but with the world we live in today you never know.
  6. here is a video from the NRA about FEMA and Katrina (which was considered a national crisis so martial law was in use)
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEwMjlQQgRA&NR=1 Also look up FEMA TRAIN CARS, they are double decker cars that have padded seating the entire length and shackles......now why would you need shackles? And look up all the once abandoned military bases that are now getting renovations....they are all beside train tracks....with gas piping running the entire length of the buildings.
  8. It's all about money in this world the power families are going to run the world how the see it...rockefellers, walmart's just to name two of them.
  9. there is actually a in uniform police officer infront of the congress addressing everyone that the governemnt was behind it and how their going to cut off our ammo supplies and telling everyone to go out and purhcase ammo while they still can....ill try to find the link. There is also a video with a guy who spoke with rockefeller and how rockefeller wants the NWO and how they keep fear of terrorists in US (united states citizens) because with them keeping frear in us it allows they to take more and more freedoms from us. There is a video on youtube you can look it up yourself. And in that video it talked about us going to Iraq, Iran, Getting venezuela's Chivas (sp) to get out of power.
  10. older video but is mentioning all what is happening in the videos i posted above. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Dj3Ew9Vokc
  11. Okay I'm not a conspiracy therory person ive just seen a lot of this shit lately and its really starting to piss me off. This is not a therory this is real and its happening behind our backs. The governments building Concentration camps, FEMA is using martial law during natural disasters, removing people from their homes, breaking their guns. Fema building "casket liners" to fit 3-4 dead bodies in. The government trying to create a "world government" and a "world Bank" Here is a little viewing material http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgEe9-XAGAE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9d_PwUK1X5k
  12. that mustang is a turd. u should just save ur time.
  13. ive drove these trucks they are NIIICCEEEE!!!! If i hit the lottery im buying one lol
  14. badass Sport Chassis thats how I would get one all blacked out. It looks like a RHA114 4WD, of course he had the tailgate opened to see ocho cinco
  15. buckeyes like the cheapest were i think 120-140 they had several the last time i was there.
  16. I my gf speaks perfect spanish...I'll rent her our for $100/hr.....if u want a happy ending its an extra $100 lol the kids shows are ok at learning a few words, but you won't actually learn how to put real senentces together and the tenses
  17. I work for a dealership but not a new car franchise.
  18. i want some of this whiskey http://sweatnspice.com/wp-content/uploads/wpsc/product_images/Jack_Daniels_Extra_Hot_BBQ_Sauce.png Jack Daniel's Extra Hot BBQ Sauce - 151 Proof
  19. If u want to be exact I have a lr-308 based off the ar-15 design and like the larue .308s. A true ar-10 is a armlite. So my gun is a varient
  20. best game ive had so far 40 kills 4 assists 2deaths (deaths at the very end) No nuke didnt have it turned on
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