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John Bruh

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Everything posted by John Bruh

  1. vrrooooommmmmmmamamamamamamamm mamamamamammamamamamammammamaammmmaammmamamammmamamamamamma vrooommmmmmmmmmmmamamamamamamamamammamamamaamamamamammamaamamam
  2. bitch was sittting outside most of the day. Actually friday I had my dealer tag on it, but no, no zfag around.
  3. lol or you're the douche that rolled by saturday in your z bouncing the car off the rev limiter
  4. would you consider selling the bi-pod seperate?
  5. im probably going to do this. I'll pay the fine, i just don't want any points.
  6. but i only entered knowing that this side of the road was like that. When i exited the other side i didnt bother to look behind and look for a sign, there were barrells like this.
  7. plus 3 cops were driving down that road while i was pulled over.
  8. there is a road closed sign at the broad street enterence.
  9. yeah. it had a road closed sign, but there was a lane open, just like this end.
  10. im going to try to. That's why i came back and took the pictures. I just don't know how much that is actually going to help me.
  11. also my driving record for the last like 2 1/2 years is perfect, so there isnt anything on the dmv records.
  12. There is a road by my house which connects refugee to broad street (its a pretty good short cut), well the road is fully paved, marked, everything, but its got a road closed sign up. The road closed sign up is only at the broad street enterence, there are just cones at the enterence by refugee. I was driving on it sunday going to my house when a Pataskala police office was driving down refugee saw me, pulled in a gave me a ticket for driving on a closed road. 1st question: Is driving on a closed road a moving violation (i would assume so because it involved driving, but idk) 2nd question: Can I get out of it. http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k158/9t1tsi/IMG_20110213_164956.jpg http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k158/9t1tsi/IMG_20110213_165016.jpg
  13. none. u want to trade for a smaller turbo i have one.
  14. http://loled.net/wp-content/main/2011_01/1296147854106.jpg
  15. If i have to guess (ive been around wholesale and cars my entire life) I've probably driven over 2,000 cars. The only thing i've yet to drive is a lambo. I've driven c6z, vipers, bently's, you name it.
  16. using a sports car like it was meant to? And It's not leaving the lot other than to cruise tonight and end up later in my garage. Because ur all might nissan is king of the road.
  17. http://www.fugly.com/media/IMAGES/Random/your-a-fag.jpg
  18. zeefag. his car is so fast he's scared to race it
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