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Everything posted by SquirrelyNutsDSP

  1. Looks pretty sweet! Did I miss the release date??
  2. Please make it stop. graemlins/puke.gif I wouldn't be upset if he went away again.
  3. I actually enjoyed it this time around and will definitely check it out in '08 too. I don't think there was quite as much outrageous judging as in previous years, but I really don't watch much of the scored events...more the track/field/swimming events.
  4. SquirrelyNutsDSP


    You might try contacting the city about it...building inspectors and such. I don't know specifically, but that would be a good place to start.
  5. JRcigar.com is pretty reasonable. Monte Cristo is a pretty good brand, but it just depends what you like. Read up on it, then it's easy to learn what to look for when trying cigars.
  6. I looked on the apple site and there are no replacement batteries for sale that I could find. Wow, that's a pretty bad design...good vid though.
  7. I vote for the white, just to be different, and white also shows the lines of the car better.
  8. Wow! That roxors! Sounds like a mad tyte deal, a chance to lose your car!!! Reality TV blows more with every passing moment.
  9. That really sucks man, sorry about your luck. I hope they total it out for you.
  10. Bwhahahaha! graemlins/bubbrubb.gif Coshocton = the lose
  11. Boo for that car. Not worth it unless you are a Honda collector of some sort. graemlins/nonono.gif
  12. Does it ever make you feel guilty, making an innocent girl who doesn't put out into a writhing, sex-crazed fiend? Me neither.
  13. SquirrelyNutsDSP


    You have a point there; we'll have to check the rule book on that one. graemlins/wtf.gif
  14. SquirrelyNutsDSP


    You keep making this thread more and more ghey. Please stop.
  15. Holy shit. That's awesome. Also read the one titled, "'If I cum now, will it be too soon' or why guys are quiet in bed." Too funny. graemlins/popcorn.gif
  16. Wow, you're going to have to race these goofballs in heats since so many people are running, kinda like olympic trials. My money says they'll only qualify for the special olympics...
  17. Damn, you're gonna have to start figuring out the odds on this race. Doesn't look good if you're "outtayourleague." graemlins/popcorn.gif Sounds like I could safely wager next year's tuition.
  18. SquirrelyNutsDSP


    Hey now, you can kick their asses, but easy on the member number shiat. Whoever loses in this altercation, you should have your fingers broken so you can't start anymore keyboard wars. That is all.
  19. I think you made a hell of a purchase. It looks awesome and I dig the color. graemlins/thumb.gif
  20. Huh whaaaat?!? At least she isn't into you for your ca$h i guess...most chicks see Ferraris and immediately translate into dollar signs. Sacrifice your child's education: buy Ferrari.
  21. Yeah, they're usually all Asian too. Dangerous Asian gangs.
  22. The girl has to be damn cute. I don't want to see a jaw line like a defensive end. I prefer brunette but will dabble in blonde. Variety is good, a girl who mixes up her hair styles (not colors) is killer. I don't want any of this Adkins diet crap, dieting is temporary, so run what you brung. Naturally thin girls are awesome because the chest is proportionate in most cases, to match the firm ass. If I get caught dating her, I don't wanna think about her widening ass down the road. No matter how hot they appear at first, if the tattoos tell the story of a slut, she might as well step off and try a biker bar.
  23. You got raped, sorry about your luck. Get a better lawyer and try to appeal if you can...sounds really harsh to me.
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