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Everything posted by SquirrelyNutsDSP

  1. Reading that gave me a headache... graemlins/nonono.gif I feel your pain.
  2. Sounds like you're also going for the "Tool of the Week" award and the Ban Hammer, too, in your other threads. So much negativity and angst...
  3. Please note that your rhetoric is not converting one single soul over to the Left, so save your breath. I doubt anyone here wants to hear the rest of your agenda...
  4. Well done Eli! Excellent ownage graemlins/lol.gif
  5. If it was a turbo, I would beg someone to give it a good home and un-mangle it. Things like that make me very sad, especially the price. graemlins/nonono.gif
  6. Bahahahah, I wanna see that in person! Too funny, too funny! graemlins/lol.gif Ninjas are soooooo sw33t they roXors! Give his mom a mushroom stamp!
  7. Look into a large/hi-powered box-style fan and the idea is to mist low-temp water out in front of it with cold air temperatures so it freezes and falls. You could make something pretty easily, I would think, with a little ingenuity. smile.gif If you do I wanna see it!
  8. Meh, give it about 2 months of widespread use and someone will get that taken care of...the walls always come tumbling down.
  9. Yeah, I'd say a reasonable request would be a reduction paying the fine without receiving points if you can get the speedo calibration done. And the wrong vehicle information is a good point of arguement if the officer does not appear...treat it like a bonus instead of your main bargaining chip.
  10. Nice cars guys. I'm a fan of that Celica style as well as the AE86....hopefully mine will be back out soon. Nice pics, wtg on using the skyline as a backdrop! graemlins/thumb.gif
  11. I wish that Capitol One commercial would happen on every show on every station. I wish barbarians would rush the set and kill everyone and everything, in a hurry! TV rots your brain! graemlins/wtf.gif
  12. TV rots your brain. The POWER button is the best remedy. Go work on your car...
  13. Ouch, sorry about your luck. I was told when I got my 67 in a 45 that he was writing me a ticket for speeding only... You could try the Ohio Revised Code http://onlinedocs.andersonpublishing.com/oh/lpExt.dll?f=templates&fn=titlepage.htm I couldn't find the Columbus specific codes using google.
  14. I will believe it when I see it for sale...and then when I make its owners cry about the money they spent for no torque. FC and FD > RX8
  15. Ultra-reliable: 2001 Camry would be pretty good Not sporty, but a damn good family car.
  16. Damn, I hate thieves. Watch for anything out of the ordinary for a while, they might come back to the scene later on. It's better to wound them, btw...
  17. Cute face / thin or a lil chubby / any kinda tits / nice, grab-tastic ass
  18. +1 for every man, woman and child killed on September 11. That man is a menace.
  19. Those are my thoughts about every damn reality show and all MTV programming (except Jackass and Viva la Bam). I'm about to use my V-chip to cut out MTV so I can save my IQ, can't stand it at all. And can that dumb, 16-year-old slut's nose get any bigger? (I bet all her poor Jewish dad wanted was to give her a nice, quiet Bas Mitzvah and a damn nose job.)
  20. Um, last time I checked, people were asshats and ricers regardless of race. Why does it have to be race-specific? graemlins/nonono.gif
  21. Oh man, that reminds me of this kid at ONU, Tom Manusak. Talk about your all-time f*ckups. This kid was in all my classes until I co-oped, and somehow he's actually gonna graduate with a BS in mech engineering this spring. Here are the highlights: "I want to be a mechanical engineer, but I never said I was mechanically inclined." graemlins/nonono.gif Raises his hand and asks a question that was answered 5 minutes before. Put our statics class 2 days behind my freshman year... graemlins/doh.gif Brings a laptop to class and talks on AIM over wireless during classes. Even Dr Marquart has told him he'd quit asking the dumb questions if he'd stop playing on the computer... Fall of Junior year he broke a tool on the mill because he started moving the table (auto-feed) without turning the mill on first. Argh! graemlins/wtf.gif Topping it all off, he wears this leather top hat thing every day. So at the end of the quarter, the whole class got plastic hats to mock him and put them on when the prof was writing on the board. Everyone, even the professors, crack on this kid to his face because he's a moron. I feel your pain, McGraw.
  22. Sweetness. Rock out, really hard.
  23. Wow, so rare, so awesome... graemlins/nod.gif
  24. Holy crap, that's a sweet truck... graemlins/thumb.gif
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