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Everything posted by SquirrelyNutsDSP

  1. Get your grandparents to pay for college, if you possibly can. It won't count against the one-time, tax-free, $10,000 gift they can give you. They will rape your accounts, expecting you to contribute a huge percentage of your funds/investments, while expecting your parents to contribute a lesser percentage.
  2. Ah, the wonders of ebay...kinda makes me lose faith in mankind.
  3. You care. Stop crying you douche bag. graemlins/nod.gif
  4. Meh, I think I'll skip it. I don't like to be drawn in with or be around the stereotypical import crowd; I could watch on tv and be happier. Plus if I drove my car, I'd be overly annoyed with "hockey rocku" and initial d comments.
  5. I thought the AT/sport shift that came in all the 2001's could handle maybe 400hp before it blew up. Some people have gone to the 6 speed getrag, but at that point a lot move on to a 2jzgte swap instead of a turboed 2jzge.
  6. I apologize for the size, here it is: http://www.hachilife.com/garage/fiche/1e5.gif
  7. I feel your pain...I'll see what I can find for you. I have to do the vacuum hoses on the 4agze soon.
  8. So I've decided to paint my engine bay myself and I have a compressor that will suffice. My question is, can anyone suggest a decent yet affordable gun worth buying, and where might I get it along with some paint? I'm actually getting somewhere close to putting this engine in, so before I do, paint must be done.
  9. Boo. If he doesn't take both, let me know...
  10. If Scott doesnt take the 4.3, I have a friend who may be interested. He'd come get it from Cleveland.
  11. Law and Order, CSI and CSI Miami.
  12. I thought you could get info at the BMV for a fee but I could be wrong.
  13. This guy is a whacko and Fear Factor is ghey. True story.
  14. Quick, everybody run with scissors! This country is becoming sadder every day.
  15. 1. 2004 Escalade EXT 2. 2003 BMW M5 3. 1968 Chevelle SS 396 4. MKIV Supra TT 5. FD RX-7 Daily Driver: 2002 Audi S4
  16. I have no objections. That's exactly why I love engineering. graemlins/nod.gif
  17. Sonofabitch, I wanted to see him win the Alamo Bowl. Oh well, I'm gonna have fun in San Antonio regardless...away from this ridiculous cold. redface.gif
  18. A. That ownage is classic, great for a laugh. B. People tailgate you more when you've got something in the back of your truck because they wanna see it. C. People in Ohio are probably average for cutting you off and being jackasses; I've driven other places and yes, it can get much worse. Don't add to the mess by screwing with innocent people who get caught in the wrong lane (though some people do deserve it): when was the last time someone was nice enough to make room for you?
  19. Gave your number to that guy, his dad is apparently interested. You may get a call.
  20. Anyone have a data recovery program for simple stuff? I could really use one for work seeing as I have to fix everyone's problems since I'm the young guy (ie: most technologically advanced). Thanks. smile.gif
  21. He probably means it was in nice condition (originating from Cali). It's hard to find them without rust or extensive problems. Sorry to hear about your car, I shed a tear for another old school Toyota lost.
  22. Note the Torque along the Y-axis in units of Newton-meters.
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