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Everything posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. What are people plans? I whould like to find a good one (or a few) to attend Costume one whould be cool but not a must
  2. Last time I got a shot was when I got poison ivy on both hands and they swelled to the point I chould not move my fingers. Next one will have to be for something that bad or worse. At some point some doctor was like let me pump this neddle full of virus and assorted crap into you so you don't get the sniffels and mis a day of work....... And the guy said yes...WTF? Hell getting sick is the one time when I get a day off and don't feel bad about leaving my coworkers hanging.
  3. Mp is fine many people use them with no issue
  4. I think alot of prior's problems today was a lack of a stone wall of a line. He does not have the skills yet to be rushed and still play as good
  5. purdue is not a good team by any means but we most def look like the team from varsity blues the night after a bender (hungover hight school team). Every team has off games but today just happened to be the worst off game I have ever seen I don't and have not thought all year that we are a top 5 team this year but today made me worried we might have a long remainder of the year ahead
  6. So what is the prefered san now? any good free ones to download? Mine is slowing a tad and some stuff I have to double click to go back a screen
  7. Oh and ya I guess it is a prison not a hospital .... My bad
  8. http://www.hauntedx.com/ Not sure when we are leaving yet but I am guessing between 7 and 9
  9. Couple of friends and I are gonna drive up and check it out sat night. Anyone want to come too?
  10. http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs252.snc1/9923_102693176413948_100000197971619_80326_322905_n.jpg
  11. I will kick you in the nuts if you waste time installing a pos 2v
  12. I feel below is the correct reply for a Cr thread giving love to it's members :marc2:
  13. All three in usable cond but I whould advise a check up to be safe and upgraded springs. All 3 $250 Or take these towards a set of bigger flow heads (afr 185-205, vic jrs)
  14. the have heat inside and a big parking lot for donuts in the snow so why?:D
  15. What is your goal with your "fast car"? You will never be the fastest guy in town if you are on a budget, So what is your goal? You said over on bs I think that with your currant setup that pretty close to 400whp is doable. Well 400whp is a tic less that Derick's blown mach1 made that went low 12's high 11's I think (someone chime in with his best I forget) Why not do this take the sixer to its max minus a tic to keep it together (gonna be way cheaper than a swap and WAY cooler) then take some of the money and pay some rent to your parents (things are tight in this econ. I am sure they whould not mind) take a little more and start a savings account for a appartment/house (one day soon the switch will flip and you will give anything to be out ) and then go apply to school and pay cash and not have loans that will haunt you after you leave school. Ps. Fast cars are cooler if you build it than buy it, Cooler yet if you kick ass with less cubes
  16. http://www.fordracing.com/news/detail/?article=37001 He gets mentioned by the ford rep. Pretty cool
  17. Save money buy used or at very least demo.
  18. let me be the first to :leghump::leghump:
  19. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=417&pictureid=3179 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=417&pictureid=3178 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=417&pictureid=3177 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=417&pictureid=3176 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=417&pictureid=3175 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=417&pictureid=3174
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