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Everything posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. Off to beat up on Rich-rod's boys Oh and dudes mom was smoken!!
  2. DEC 1st at the soonest! No wonder people don't have the spirt anymore, they are burnt out and annoyed before mid month
  3. How do you have it plumbed if you have it setup up incorrect it will suck air and get hot and burn up
  4. I saw the 33 on the power tour. They built it in a week and drove it the whole tour with no problems. I looked it over close and it is a nice kit it apears and seem to have alot of tuneing built into the suspension and over is pretty nice. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=418&pictureid=3332 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=418&pictureid=3331 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=418&pictureid=3330
  5. Buckeye1647545503

    Mc ribs

    mcnasty more like it
  6. realy digging the shots of the movements
  7. At least when a throttle cable fails the spring closes the throttle and you are just left idling down the road not speeding to your death.
  8. your own pics never randomly pop up in the top box?
  9. Only problem I have with wow is some of the shows I record get the last ?mins cut off so I have to record the show after just to get all of the one
  10. I watched it and came back to post just what aj did. That chould have got alot worse
  11. Pave it all and paint it green!
  12. Don't do it brian! http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=291&pictureid=2005 j/k Tyler
  13. http://impressive.net/people/gerald/2006/11/18/17-33-54-sm.jpg
  14. not to bad but I whould have just as much fun on 4 blizzacks
  15. ^^ or the swamp if it still there (been a while since I was there)
  16. Was on the show when they were at the maxton mile last year
  17. Sam aren't you already tuned? I whould think a 75mm tb might mess that tune up. Just a thought.
  18. Rehersal footage quickly thrown together to make money and hyped like we care.........um ya I'll pass
  19. "2 weeks" car club for me And everyone whould need a lift to the meets but nobody chould should becouse the cars are never done
  20. At some point heat (intake charge) whould be a limit I think but 700 is probably not far fetched
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