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Everything posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. Jason try Scali's they are twice as good twice as close and 75% the cost and you don't have to worry about your car not being there after. Oh and I can atest to the lest than good conditions behind the scenes..
  2. better yet get pics of you gettingin and out of it
  3. I want a new law that if you are being a total tool ie no lights, 55-60 in a 65 (traffic running 70-75), Waiting till the last ten feet to merge, Jumping in line at the front for a exit, Semis in the left lane, Stoping to go over a speed bumps,10mph exit ramps, and random braking for no reason. We the drivers in the position of ability to drive may p.i.t. your dumb ass into the ditch with out a ticket.
  4. I saw the title and came in to post this but it was already here. This place kicks ass and the homemade cheesecake it amazeing
  5. aaaaa yes linn The one member I learned to never click what he posts
  6. damn it wrong section again please move. I suck
  7. Man I miss old Cr when there were weekly vids of yellow vettes and none hooking fireturds and teal tt stangs and wingless supras and "stock" camaros and countless bikes...lol and vettes vs RC cars. and on and on. Most of those vids where more fun to watch than this too.
  8. So My 30th bday is wed. I had thought of getting a party bus bus ... and well just did not. Any major things going on that I chould hit with friends this or next weekend Or Should I call for the party buss? (whould need a show of people that know me (Or P-rock crew that want to add some spice to it:D) that are interested and have the $30 for the bus on top of beer money) Thoughts?
  9. I call BS tyler can't be the only one with links saved on his computer of this sick shit
  10. Mike you have to buy historical plates ether way just buy them now then at the swap you can find a set of clean low number plates and go to the bmv and have them added at that point
  11. lol is that Rob posting that?
  12. I have a 89 reg cab short bed f150 4.9/c6 for 1500
  13. The company was founded more than 100 years ago and its brands include Flowtech, Weiand, Nitrous Oxide Systems and Hooker. http://www.reuters.com/article/bankruptcyNews/idUSN287294020090928
  14. wow I can't imagine spending that kind of money on a watch....
  15. It is only slightly more painfull than strept is and then it is done with. Plus you will breath better and most likely sleep better
  16. I had it done in jan it is not that bad. I had the nose fixed at the same time. 1 thing I learned the hard way is watch how much icecream and such you eat as I was eating almost soley icecrean and the milk did not want to swallow to well and I thought I was gonna choke to death at one point and had to cough it up (yes it hurt like hell). Oh and NO pop the fizz hurts
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