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Everything posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. Dude smoke till you get a sleep machine. One problem at a time man
  2. Last time I heard he was living with one of my dream girls Maria Menounos. Plus you can bet they will trash a few Gnx's
  3. Just go in and start a dominio effect by pushing over a bike
  4. So who is the best place to but stuff? I am going to buy all my dress up stuff from Al at bikes to nv becouse I know him but I don't think he sells gear
  5. I'd turbo it but ether way it will be more fun and sneaky
  6. If your sleep doctor does not get off his ass Call Dr Morine Delphia. I used her and I had my first apointment, sleep test, and a machine all inside a month and a half. Also many of the symtoms are from no sleep. Keep in mind you are for all purposes not sleeping at all so you will have problems and will be week and tired since your body can not repair itself.
  7. I'm not feeling well and am bored
  8. Nope I just don't realy care when was the last time someone logged on to the intraweb. I am pretty sure that is the reason others posted that as well
  9. These girls should be able to do what ever within reason to "earn" thier money. It is like the fact some guy is getting rubed on is going to cause the world to end. They need to find something important to do
  10. but then where whould we go to get deathly ill on vacations
  11. How about some t-bird axles for your b-day? I am sure you whould like that!
  12. I am a little that way when I think of getting a bike. The thought of how fragile you are and how 1 moron not paying attn can kill you makes me antsy
  13. Your choise are 1. Find axles 2. Next day those brackets 3. Put drums off a fox on it 4. Get a beer and sit in the garage and cry and bitch
  14. Buckeye1647545503


    Hit it with a hammer and wrap it in duct tape
  15. http://northracecars.com/catalog/brakes/brakes.htm
  16. While the orange bike id real hot your's is Scarlet and gray Gotta love that!
  17. Ya I mean in a comp. if the thought of " jesus, alright already" does not cross your mine then the guy does not deserve to win.
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