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Everything posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. If you plan on daily driving or drag racing I whould just swap axle and ranger drum it if is much cheaper
  2. The 96 is wider so if you want to run a wide tire it get you have to use differt offset wheels. But there is a company that makes a caliper off set braket so you can use the fox 5 lug lengh axles with the 96 brakes. I want to say north race cars is the name but I forget
  3. ^my fav Kathleen madigan Joe Rogan Ralphie May
  4. Did anyone hear Wells on the news say he belives we are over all a better team this year than last.
  5. Should have gone 350 so you chould make Sam cry
  6. Man wish I had the cash this whould make a great beater
  7. Both good picks http://www.comparestoreprices.co.uk/images/pl/playboy-digital-camera.jpg http://members.shaw.ca/cmphotos2/FisherpriceCameraSmall.jpg
  8. your pic does not work. Interested in trade for other wheels that are new as well?
  9. I was thinking about this if you paid to Vallet the car then isn't the club responsable for it being towed? And if they where the reason it was towed don't you have the rite to get it back? Not sure just thinking/typing out loud
  10. oh shit they are going to plebargin Sam in to working with the cops to bring down those darn street racers!
  11. they have seen the vids on line and know how fast he can leave town
  12. Oh and if makes you feel better my dog got hit buy a truck last night and while trying to get him out from under the truck he bit the fuck out of my lip and I blead all over me, him, the street and the side my car. Ps I think he is ok just real sore and not moveing to much today
  13. You did not b@e you entered your car left sitting in a open lot WTF
  14. Not realy ben those look like a t3 frame and are real small and useing a 2v I bet it it only around 450-550
  15. Happy b-day marc :marc2:
  16. anyone want to go see it tomorrow ?
  17. it will clear up in one night if you pour lighter fluid on iy and light it with a match, Boils that infected skin rite off
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