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Everything posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. did you use my motors in it ?
  2. Came with the wheels that I bought from nick on here, I put 225's o the car so this is spare. It is a Falken Azenis It like new cond. Just cleaning shop $20.00
  3. sweet now you can build a fast car !! tongue.gif
  4. what time is everything ben I did not get the night off but might come afterwards
  5. might be up ben Gotta see if work will let me off.
  6. worthman has them for 500 and with a warrenty
  7. try haveing a f150 with dual tanks graemlins/doh.gif and to oil companys graemlins/finger.gif
  8. Wrong the Asstek it the worst
  9. Are you 100% sure that you want a auto? Auto's in hondas suck big balls, They rob alot of power and never shift when you want them to (performance wise)
  10. I will yake it call me this weekend and we can meet Scott = 506-3019
  11. Well I hate when I agree with Nitrousbird but what he said..... UNLESS you are realy getting this site together, then I whould build the badest mofo you can and use it for the company advertiseing and maybe write some of it off
  12. Call Rolla For all overs, He is THE cheapest in town that will do a good job. But I would call asap becouse he is filling up (plus he might come to his sences and charge what it is worth) Rolla = 496-4969
  13. My sunbird would be perfect for her 1994 w auto Call if interested 506-3019
  14. Car is in good shape I was looking into buying it but I want to go faster than my bank account will allow with passen prices. Car is a super buy though, Pretty easy fix too, I could have it fixed in a weekend with all the parts before hand
  15. Bump these are the style wheels I have NOT however the wheels themselves. I want them gone. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.timdineen.com/photos/BERETTA/beretta03.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.timdineen.com/photos/BERETTA/beretta.htm&h=372&w=640&sz=62&tbnid=R TSx0u679rAJ:&tbnh=78&tbnw=134&start=4&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dchevy%2Bz26%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8%26safe%3Doff I will also trade these for a working home sterio reciever
  16. bump they are cheapy tires but all for have 50 or more thread life left
  17. I am sorry I thought it was bigger I need someting large. un Dibs Sorry!
  18. qwsadcascasdasasdasx
  19. Buckeye1647545503


  20. whaz uuz talkn bout yo? JK I am a bad offender but then again I don't care a whole lot
  21. AAAAAAAA! Now I understand! Thanks joe
  22. dibs with a pic or arrangements to see it
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