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Everything posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. n8 call rolla and give him the aprovel and have the damn thing delivered graemlins/slap.gif
  2. has it been de-stinked?
  3. I can do it tuesday for you berto for 40 plus you buy the parts
  4. Ok so moveing to AZ and I don't think they have a board like this (at least that I can find) I was thinking that I would like to see about a ez board or something of the sorts. Since I have met alot of cool people on here, as well as put me in contact with peopleand things that have helped me out of spots.I want to put together just enough to work nothing of CR scale.
  5. 256+ looking to help out the out of date peice on my deck.
  6. oh god don't start quoteing that peice of shit. I hear it enough at work Or else I break out my nunchuck skills!
  7. well I have had many beds in the last 10 years and am tired of being uncomfy and them takeing a shit much earlier than I think they should. I am not sold on buying a high dollar bed yet but if I get a reveiw from a trusted person that is my size that they are worh it then I will
  8. looks are not as important as the weight that thing cant weigh more than 1800 pds and I am sure that 350-400 hp engine would not be that hard to make fit
  9. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=6783&item=7959133141&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW Think what and lsi or a 4 valve would do in this
  10. One of the guys Io work with is fighting at the promo west sat night I am going, If you want to go post on here and or call me and we will set up a place to meet. I am going at 8:30ish. Scott=506-3019
  11. Your a jackass ! First off I am sure that he will take less than 3000 you alway ask more than what you need for the car becouse people want to think they are getting a better deal. Second he did not ask for your input. Third that car is a fast, clean, rust free, and RUNNING "dsm" they don't have a catagory in Kbb for that. Go back to your cow of a car and shhhhh!
  12. That narrows it right down at that place tongue.gif Going Sat morning most likely
  13. cool I do plan on check out as mny in person as poss but I do thank everyone for the input
  14. Four 15 inch Z26 wheels that are in very good condition would realy dress up a beater. 65.00 O.B.O.
  15. Very nice tread left Not sure of brqnd but will check. 50.00
  16. no waterbeds or I would buy the stock's. Price is not as big a deal as I need to get credit started and am thunking of useing this to start that. so I want to know what is the best avail
  17. Ok so whaen I move I will need to but a new mattress set. I am wondering what peoples thoughts were on what is best and such Also I am a big guy so if any of you guys are to I am wondering what ones provide good support. I was going to buy a waterbed but that is not a real do-able thing right now. I am thinking of checking out the temperpedic line but I heard that support for bigger people is lacking. Help! Thanks
  18. Matt how is the body tied and strenghened ? that motor has got to kick that cars ass
  19. jeff you still interested in the sunbird? can you come look at it this weekend and I will take this as part payment if you want the car if not I will talk at you when $ is avail
  20. evan call me and I will come look
  21. nope call me a if ou want to swing buy and look Scott = 506-3019
  22. I will sell you the set off of the wheels I just bought 2 31 10.50's for 35.00
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