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Posts posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. Not to swing on the Cake Shop's Nuts, The cakes she has made for us have been some of the best we have ever had. The Misses has taken them to work, and those who have devoured the remains have said the same.


    I would put all of my eggs into THAT basket before giving up, and fucking things up sooner, rather then letting things run their course. One year is WAY too little to make a business profitable.


    We have friends who bought an "ok" salon. It has taken them 6 years to hit black, and get back to having spare PERSONAL money and luxuries.




    +1 Mom has taken cupcakes in for her doctors and nurses at the James and they all mug her wanting to know where to get more. I feel from that and what you say that you have reached the "next step" in that just like you took a leap of faith opening it you need to do it yet again and increase staff while doubling the advertising at the same time. That shop has money maker written all over it given a chance.

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