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Posts posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. I'm all for legislation against street racing but the problem is with the cops having open interpretation of what events he is witnessing. If your lined up with a flagger to start a race in a back alley after spraying pimp juice then it's pretty cut and dry. Now if 2 cars are lined up next to each other and stop light at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and they both accelerate evenly but briskly from the light up to the speed limit does that make it street racing? Does that make it a bad enough offense to ruin someone's life by charging them with a felony, taking their license, and taking her car?
  2. People spend millions to secure favoriteable vote in government, if you think they would not stoop low enough to tamper with a electronic device that would be super hard to trace back and punish just becouse it is "not rite " or illegal. You must still believe in Santa too
  3. I am kicking around the idea of hitting drag week instead of power tour again. Now I would only be interested in going if I had at least 1 other local car going with to double the chances of making repairs in time (on either car). SO does anyone have a legit interest in going? Also, I know I am not in larson/lutz's ballpark and never intend to be but there appear to be many 10-12 second cars in attendance and it sounds like allot of fun.
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