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Everything posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. So my mom asked for a game unit that she can play brain exercises on. I think a android powered tab with a bigger display would be better. What do you guys recommend keeping in mind she still uses a flip phone so she is typical old people tech savvy or lack there of.
  2. For the people wanting to use troll faces etc keep it mind not everyone is 20 and on the internet all day. Plus it would be nice to have a classier shirt that can be worn to none cr car events.
  3. She strikes me as one who can dish it out as well as take it ... hell she puts up with you rite?
  4. that intercooler looks tiny, I have a a SRT-4 one super cheap if you want it
  5. Nice car (for midgets) but ya the wheels are REALLY bad And Farkas that pic made me throw up in my mouth a bit
  6. Pm ben he was talking about getting one
  7. From what I know you are like me, your vice is cars. You don't blow $ on much else and you work hard for your $ so do what makes you happy
  8. I would be in for a couple screen printed shirts that we design. If im gonna rep this place I want it cool and a little flashy
  9. you should print "Columbus Racing does not condone illegal street racing." on the back so the cops get a good laugh when the catch Phil
  10. I saw that (or one just like it) Focus rs and that too is a bad little car. Oh and ya he is pretty much kicking life's ass
  11. Buy her a subscription to a mag and tell her it is reading material for the shitter lol
  12. http://images.paraorkut.com/img/funnypics/images/b/boobs-12985.jpg
  13. I never had one and never get more than a case of the Mondays
  14. ya I was close to buying a tommy gun till I found out I could not have the drum and could not go full auto :no:
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