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Everything posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. ya maybe for Cr post like the top 10-20 every week or something.
  2. are you gonna have a website with updated inventory listed?
  3. Is there something fancy that she has been saying she wanted for you wedding but it was too much/ too hard to get? if so make that happen
  4. http://thxforthe.info/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/THE-SUN-Burning-gingers-so-we-dont-have-to.jpg
  5. had a Good time thanks for getting old Wags
  6. Buckeye1647545503


    enjoy it, Mud holes will be stomped next year Guaranteed!
  7. Mike that neon will most likely leak all over if you switch now plus ...well it is a neon. Put zone brand oil in it and a napa gold filter and roll on. Now your baby / sports car etc then yes 100% for amsoil/ royal purple
  8. sad part is he had to make a point to turn off traction and yaw control
  9. Go to Barnes guns and look the owner has allot of 1911 knowledge and I bought mine at a very good price
  10. Scott I can im not drinking cause I don't have to get up early for the swapping meet
  11. If I slip them a 20 will they add boost while I am there?
  12. I feel sorry for these people that spend the day ..days away from their family on turkey day and lose money from work to "save" $ on something that will not be worth what they pay for it in 6 months. But hey I guess it is good that there are people that place so little value on personal time
  13. 100% better than the nastiness we have now
  14. according to his Screen name on BS he owns a 89 StangGt as well
  15. love the car, love the wheels but the rear offset it really bad
  16. http://www.hyphenet.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/big-bird.gif
  17. nope I would go there in a heart beat except the ford swap meet is this weekend too
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