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Everything posted by KennyFKINPowerz

  1. I am ordering my LT1 LOL license plates when my current ones expire in April.
  2. Big enough to fit the letters cr on huh? HA HA :gabe:
  3. I dont mind campers. I just chalk it up as part of the game. I will keep rushing them over and over until I kill them back. I dont camp. I suck but its still fun.
  4. I use USPS for everything that I ship and I get all my magazines that way. I absolutely hate UPS. Although it would not hurt me if they dropped delivery to 3 days a week. I do everything online as far as bills go.
  5. Is there any CR schwag out there such as coffe mugs, t-shirts ect? I know we had stickers for a while but was there anything else? I would be interested in getting something if it were available.
  6. Actually there are more heads up cars in and around Columbus than you think. Thet are either racing somewhere else because they have a class to race in or they hate Trails because it sucks most of the time.
  7. We didnt get finished yesterday. I always start out all gun hoe and then the hatred starts after a few hours
  8. That happened to me about 4 years ago and I have not done them since. I was so pissed that I left them up and didnt take them down until summer that year. So far they are all working this year.
  9. Getting ready to drag out all the Christmas decorations. Who all decorated so far this year. Post up your pics. I'll post mine when we are done.
  10. Didnt you were an SOA shirt to Wagners party?
  11. HA HA HA. Yeah I was pretty happy to see that too.
  12. Yeah it would. He definitly deserves it.
  13. I cant make it this weekend but I can next weekend.
  14. I know. The way its going make you wonder if there is even gonna be a next season.
  15. KennyFKINPowerz


    Does anyone watch Sons of Anarchy? I think this has been the best season so far. I'm on the edge of my fricken seat at the end of each episode. Ecspecially the last 2
  16. I'm down if it is on a weekend.
  17. Popcorn http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTI4ODE4Mzk0OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzI5MDYxMQ@@._V1._SY317_CR6,0,214,317_.jpg
  18. I have been on here on and off since 2003 and I agree that CR is totally different than what it used to be. When I first came back it took me a while to get used to the trolls. For a long time, I got so pissed off when I got trolled. But eventually it started to become funny and I just play along now. I made it to just a handful of event over the years and never really met a lot of you. Over the last year and a half I have been more involved in CR than ever and I have made it to more events in the last year and a half than I ever have. Really what changed my mind about this board is meeting a lot of the members and realizing that some of the same people that trolled me were the nicest people to be around and hang out with. Its not personal and its all in fun. OG CR was what it was but its still an awesome thing today. I dont always agree with some of the decisions that the mods make but they are doing this for free and there is a bit of work involved in it. There is no way Anthony could keep this place going as busy at it is by himself so maybe we should keep that in mind when slamming them and give more thanks for them maintaining this place. Not being a suck ass, just stating some facts.
  19. Im curious to see how the Passat does in the snow. I have been driving the 4x4 Yukon for so many years. I am gonna have to slow my roll a little.
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