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Everything posted by KennyFKINPowerz

  1. I should be there as soon as I get out of this graduation party. Prob around 6:30 or 7.
  2. Orchard Bank. Here is a list. http://www.nextadvisor.com/credit_cards/poor_credit.php?kw=gccbcx1+bad%20credit%20credit%20cards&gclid=CIHC7bftnawCFY3KKgodDwpW4A
  3. New Albany and a newer Yukon or Escalade. I need a 7 seater for the family.
  4. My kid has been trying to get me to go to that one all year. One of his friends dad's organizes it and a bunch of his friends parents take their cars. I may head up to this one if more CR people are going. Its not to far from me either.
  5. We got pre approved and then had our realator start showing us homes. I wanted to stay in New Albany and we ended up in Blacklick. Since your daughter is in Licking Heights schools already you may wanna check out my neighborhood. Woods at Jefferson on Waggoner. There are a lot of houses for sale and they are selling cheap.
  6. I believe that you can opt out. My wife is not part of the union and does not have to pay dues. They still send everything in the mail to our house though for the union.
  7. My wife is a State employee and I see both sides of the argument. She complains every single day about how many of her co-workers dont have a clue what they are doing and how so many of them take tons of time off and dont do their jobs when they are there. I als see how little she gets paid, how many cuts she has had to take in the last several years in an effort to balance the state budget and what not. The only saving grace are her benefits even though she gets over 400 a pay taken out for her benefits. Our insurance through her is probably 200 a month cheaper than if I were to get insurance through my employer. I have watched her not get any raises or promotions in the last several years as well. She does the work of 5 people and gets no extras in return for the additional work that she does. They have actually taken way more than they have given and now they want to take more.
  8. I have had sprint for about 7 years now and I love it. I get coverage where some of my Verizon buddies do not. I have 3 lines with unlimited data, maintenance plan and I pay 149 a month
  9. Here is the workout that I really enjoyed. http://www.muscleandstrength.com/workouts/hardcore-look-at-jim-wendlers-5-3-1-powerlifting-system.html And Here is the diet. http://www.muscleandfitness.com/sites/muscleandfitness.com/files/images/maf/209705/4110.pdf In addition to the diet and workout AM Multi Vitamin 1000 MG of Fish Oil 1 hour before workout Eat a bannana Protein Shake Creatine 15 min prior to workout - half way through workout Pre workout Drink Within 30 min after workout Eat another bannana Protein Shake - Getting that protein in that 30-45 min window is important if your gonna do it Bedtime Casien Protein Shake If your wanting to get big then you need to keep your body in an anabolic state as much as possible. The Casien protein helps with this while you are sleeping as it is slow acting.
  10. Actually it could have been the other way around because I do have my permit and I had my gun in the car. The other guy actually was the one who was blocking the road and he is the one that grabbed me first. It could have went much worse for him.
  11. I am gonna go pick a copy up.
  12. I know there used to be a rule about an unaltered floor and firewall that allowed you to get away with less bars but I thought you at least had to have a 10 point.
  13. My anger issues are a thing of the past. And I love me some LT1.
  14. I did the Weider 5/3/1 workout many times. Its a low rep and heavy weight workout. I really like this one a lot. I tried to switch it up every 2 months but kept coming back to this one and increasing the weight. As for supps, take a good multi and some fish oil at the minimum. I learned my lesson the hard way on supps. I was spending about 400 a month, trying a bunch of different stuff and was pretty much just wasting money. If you can afford it then go with a good Protein, creatine and pre-workout. Your diet is probably going to be the most important element though. I worked out for a year solid on every fricken supp known to man and I got stronger but didnt notice any real difference in my body until I was on my diet for about 4 weeks.
  15. No, I am just not a bitch. That was the mistake that cost me. The fight was'nt what got me in trouble because I was pretty much defending myself. The act of trying to run him over and smashing in to his truck in the process was what got me. Dumb mistake and I learned my lesson.
  16. Shit like this just makes me scratch my head. I had a situation similar to this a few years ago that didnt turn out peaceful. It ended up in a brawl in the middle of the street, costing me attorney fees and a wreckless op because I crashed in to him after the fight. Damn did it make me feel good but I also learned a valuable lesson. I choose to stay in the car now days.
  17. I watch it when I can. Its a pretty good show but most of the guys on there dont know crap. Its pretty cool that they rolled the dice so to speak
  18. I had Progressive for my boat and it was like 29 a month. I didnt shop around much though.
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