Our HOA was the same way, however they didnt really collect on our 65.00 a year dues very diligantly. The cheapest I have ever heard of, by the way. That is why I ran for the HOA. I wanted to know where all this money was going and what it was being used for. This is why I ran for the HOA.
The management company are usually responsible for collecting the dues, maintaining the finances at the direction of the HOA Board. Since our HOA was pretty much non existant for the last 5 years we have had a ton of work. I literally work several hours a day evey day on this HOA stuff and I don't get paid for any of it.
Your HOA has to be willing to put the work in or they will be worthless. Our current HOA Board has completed more this year, tahn any board in the last 10 years combined.
You have to be willing to make things better, give all of the residents a voice and let them be part of the decision making and not nit pick people to death. We have had to deal with a few residents but it was for major stuff like mold growing on the outside of the houses and what not.
The HOA has a lot of power but not as much as they try to lead everyone to believe. The city controls 90% of what oour issues are regarding. I am on the phone or 311 website every day. The key is just to keep on them, bug the shit out of them and you will get results.