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Everything posted by Jackson1647545504

  1. I live by Polaris mall ... 2:30am its game on out there on 71
  2. Please PM me * $80 * Good: i3 CPU, Gigabyte motherboard, Fans, Full cables, 8gb, power supply, nice case * Needs: hard drive and DVD drive * Bad: power supply does make a fan noise when it turns on, but then goes back to silent after a min or two http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8008/7479991550_280ca6fc86_z.jpg http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7138/7479990470_9a2ffd9765_z.jpg * $100 * Good: WD My Book Studio, 1TB, USB & FireWire, all boxes and cables * Bad: Very good shape, small ding on front of case http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8145/7479989178_84902fb6aa_z.jpg * $100 * Good: G-drive 1TB raid w/ USB, ESATA, and FireWire * Bad: None I can see or think of http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=&Ntt=0g00269&A=endecaSearch&N=0&Q=&InitialSearch=yes http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8144/7479987040_17ed9d52a6_z.jpg http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7267/7479985654_60b1cb5941_z.jpg
  3. Do home inspections really raise the appraised value of a home? Specifically considering full-dig finished basements? My bank asked about a re-finance with rates really low. However, Delaware county slashed values and I just crossed above the 80% loan-to-value. Any experiences with appraisals here?
  4. (pressing F5 constantly) http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_oegdFeVJ9yM/R1BGOR-taiI/AAAAAAAAARU/HXadXQhLYok/s1600-R/TO+popcorn.jpg
  5. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/200/420/BRTky.jpg
  6. Condition is an honest 9/10 ... screen is perfect. CR: Asking $950 including memory and SSD upgrade. Craigs: Asking $1000 with non-SSD drive and standard memory All original packaging, cables, and software are included. Yes ... I run Windows for work stuff ... Sorry no trades I'm using $$$ here to upgrade to a new laptop http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7086/7177456325_0dc31a3864_z.jpg http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7092/7177455277_9915617874_z.jpg http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8020/7177452239_27bf125d58_c.jpg http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7092/7177450903_b9b5a5d548_c.jpg
  7. They're back ... with beer ... http://the-1up.com/main/
  8. http://i48.tinypic.com/255j0vd.jpg
  9. http://images.cryhavok.org/d/2701-1/Your+Mom+is+a+Whore.jpg nope
  10. Time and workload is the driving factor here. Multiple projects going on and just need some help here. I will start refinishing my deck tomorrow
  11. Anyone on the site do this type of work? Recommend someone? I need a bathroom redone and a single room in the basement.
  12. I fly the 6am flight to Washington DC via US Airways in the B terminal. Security is a breeze and it takes me 30 minutes from long term parking to being at the gate.
  13. The 80s called ... want their gold back :lolguy: ... looks good :thumbup:
  14. Anyone on the board a commercial real estate agent? I'm looking to open an office in the polaris area. Hit me up on a PM
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