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Everything posted by Jackson1647545504

  1. A) Go get an attorney B) Go get an attorney C) Do not pass C without A and B ... it should cost $500 to $1500 C.1) Start with the Ohio Bar Assoc and send a few calls and emails. You'll be surprised how you can find someone reasonable to do this stuff. D) Never do -anything- without having the signed paper work in place * You'll want to do Ohio because that is where your business will be taking place. * Likely start with some 'boiler plate' agreements and customize them for your needs This message is brought to you by someone who got burned for high-five figures in mid-2010. PS: Get an attorney and good luck
  2. I'm a consultant who works from home ... will walk to my basement office with a cup of coffee as usual and LOL @ morning commuters
  3. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1
  4. driver needs to wear crash protecting gloves ... that is all ...
  5. http://blog.zap2it.com/pop2it/lisa-robin-kelly-mugshot.jpg
  6. Did a great job helping move a roller chassis to its new home. Would -absolutely- call again for any towing/recovery needs; no questions, no doubts.
  7. best thing I have ever seen yes, I have seen 'The Shawshank Redemption'
  8. http://iliketowastemytime.com/sites/default/files/best_animated_images_car_jump_in.gif
  9. just a simple da-lite screen for ~$120 bucks at 108-inches Start with their website and maybe find some local companies to see the actual product? http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8206/8183181410_29d2b01eab_b.jpg
  10. http://www.vice.com/read/rockglockcocks-gun-is-a-screwdriver
  11. Yes, cougar != tiger. Will still eat you with a smile on its face like god intended.
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